Every so often, you run across an absolutely hilarious picture that is intended for serious consumption only. Here at SBD, we take these opportunities and share them with you, the reader, in our interactive caption contests.
So. . . let 'em rip SBDers!
Dr. Fiedlerheim, pioneer of the testicle-ectomy, showing off his latest crop - the freshly shorn balls of Hillary Clinton. When questioned about the abnormally high quantity, Dr. Fiedlerheim stated, "Well, genetic tests and carbon dating showed, of course, that two of them belong to Mrs. Clinton. The other two apparently belonged to Mr. Clinton up until approximately January 21, 1998. "
The balls were donated to a charity auction, and purchased by an anonymous bidder with the handle 'Hopey McChangitude'.
The caption contest is complete!
Grand Prize: 5 points
Fluffy the Hutt was not at *all* pleased when Han Solo had to dump the load of Triskelian Mice he was smuggling.
First runner up: 3 points (Selected by the price of tea in China.)
Marlon Brando proving that re-incarnation is not a myth!
Second runner up: 2 points (Selected by Santa's elves.)
I swear I had balls when I went to sleep last night, what the f#&% did you sick bastards do with them and what the hell am I supposed to lick now?
Third runner up: 1 point (Selected by Cartman.)
I'm not fat. I'm big-boned.
Some of you may remember this post.
And when I say ‘some of you’ I am referring to the point whores. The vigilant point whores. Here’s how it is:
Write a caption for the picture. Win fabulous prizes!*
The contest will be open until it closes, probably some time on Friday.
* Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
”White House Hosts American Proctology Association”
But you’ll never beat mine.
The caption contest is complete!
(Click to see the big version.)
Grand Prize: 5 points
Da Plane, Da Plane!
Mo Mo
First runner up: 3 points (selected by the price of tea in China.)
FUCK! That bird just shit in my eye!
The Brat
Second runner up: 2 points (Selected by pirates. Arrrrr!)
The new and improved sneaky eye-pipe-bomb.
Third runner up: 1 point (Selected by the duality of man.)
Having criticized her traveling companions for the motes in their eyes, Narjis takes notice the beam in her eye...
Tim Adamec
Write a caption for this picture over at Momo's place. Win fabulous prizes!*
The contest will be open until some time next week. Comment here or over there.
* Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
[Note from Jim: Dave set this up during my out of town experience and it is still open for anybody who wishes to participate. I'm topping it to get it in view again. Hurry and submit a caption as time is running out.]
My name is Dave, a local viewer and frequent commenter on SBD. I'm one of those gracious few having been knighted by Jim for the purpose of totally polluting his blog in his absence. I don't know why, other than my occasionally inspirational writings served me well on my application, which I filled out only just because it was there to fill out!
For lack of anything more creative at the moment, I submit a picture in need of a caption:
Usual rules and points awards for captions apply. This contest will be open at least until Jim gets back, in which case I may let him judge and award as he sees fit.
Now I hope that the blasted thing comes out OK and I don't end up nuking the blog...
The caption contest is complete!
Grand Prize: 5 points
*pop* *pfffffft*
First runner up: 3 points (selected by some chick wearing a wedding dress on a Greyhound bus in New Mexico)
In an effort to thwart terrorism in America's linen closets, the FBI has developed and trained a litter of Doberman Pincers with highly evolved camoflage.
Second runner up: 2 points (Selected by all of the politicians who didn't travel on a lobbyist's dime. Both of them.)
The highly evolved chua-chua waits for its prey, the unsuspecting naked human. Little does the human know, its this chua-chua's snak time...
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by the genetically enhanced hybrid pundit known as Ann Malkin)
This is what happens when you nag your husband about "Doing a load of laundry for once, and maybe give the dog a bath".
Write a caption for the picture. Win fabulous prizes!*
The contest will be open until some time next week.
* Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
The caption contest is complete!
Grand Prize: 5 points
Bingo's twelve-step program wasn't going as well as he'd hoped.
First runner up: 3 points (selected by Condi Rice's dominatrix boots)
You know, I bet this would be easier with a spoon...and thumbs...
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by an imaginary number)
Hello Ambition, my name is Lack of Forethought.
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by the ginormous zit on my co-worker's forehead that sucks my eyes toward it like a suppurating black hole)
CANNED DOG MEAT WARNING: Do not shake before opening.
Write a caption for the picture. Win fabulous prizes!*
The contest will be open until some time next week.
* Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
The results are in! Apparently I owe several people lunch and at least one vacation was spoiled. Ah, the power of the Internet...
Grand Prize: 5 points
Renee Zellweger, shown here while preparing for her Oscar winning role in "The Marlon Brando Story."
First runner up: 3 points (selected by the Ted Kennedy's 3 martini lunch)
Falling on hard times after his latest documentary failed to get a single Academy Award nomination, director Michael Moore was forced to give up his chauffeur driven SUV and purchase a used car.
His critics were quick to point out that the everyman from Flint bought an import.
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by all the rice in China)
Greenpeace, deciding it is too labor-intense to push them into the ocean, has provided alternate transportation.
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by an infinite number of monkeys via an infinite number of randomly typewritten missives)
Great Goddamn Jim, I'm eating lunch.
Write a caption for the picture. Win fabulous prizes!*
The contest will be open until some time next week.
* Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
I love cats. They taste just like chicken.
Grand Prize: 5 points
Our special today is pan seared tabby with cheerio confit. Would you like to start with an appetizer?
First runner up: 3 points (selected by the world's smallest concience)
[Daffy Duck Voice] It's mine, mine all mine.
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by Ted Kennedy's blown capillaries)
Interestingly, the proposal for remaking the movie _Seven_ with kittens went through several rounds of review before being rejected.
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by the Romulan Ambassador on Kyrtus 5)
Every year, thousands of kittens such as this one succumb to the horrors of Kitty Kibbles & Krack. Just say "Meow" to drugs.
The contest will be open until some time on Friday. Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
The coolest thing about caption contests is that even when you have nothing to blog about you have something to blog about.
Grand Prize: 5 points
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear
First runner up: 3 points (selected by President Bush, confirmed by the Senate)
Forgetting that the reindeer were still attached, Santa threw it in reverse and floored it.
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by 17 rats while Victor was out)
The local deer craze known as 'Overpass Diving' came to an abrupt end Thursday night when, following a near-perfect 3 1/4 rotation dive, tragedy struck.
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by a duckbilled platypus)
How come I don't see any picture?
Special bonus section
I came up with a couple myself:
"Bob thanked his lucky stars that he'd had the foresight to get his truck sighted in." (This will only amuse hunters.)
"Ram tough? Sure. Deer tough? Not quite."
Contest will be open to sometime next week. Don't wait to the last day because nobody but me knows when it'll be. And to tell you the truth I don't know either. Woo hoo!!
As usual, 5 points to the winner and a handful to the also-rans.
I never thought it could happen - a caption contest that returns not a single sexual innuendo. I'm speechless. And I'm buying a lottery ticket today.
Victor, I don't have the story behind this picture but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say it was along the lines of "Combine meets Cessna. Cessna loses."
Grand Prize: 5 points
Heard minutes before: "Hey guys! Watch this!"
First runner up: 3 points (selected by a homeless puppy with big sad eyes)
And that's why boxcutters aren't allowed on SMALL planes, either.
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by all the rice in China)
You think THAT'S tight formation flying? You ain't seen nuthin'... watch THIS...
Mike the Marine
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by Dan Rather, on an IBM Selectrix)
Sissors beats paper.
Y'all know the drill, right? The contest will be open until the end of the year or maybe a day or two later depending on how hungover I am. Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
This was a good one. What else would you expect when you use a picture of a guy with a pole through his ass?
Grand Prize: 5 points
John returned the pogo stick to Toys R Us the very next day.
First runner up: 3 points (selected by a dedicated (medicated?) team of hippies)
So am I going to need a tetanus shot doc? I hate needles.
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by "enabler" Karl Rove)
Bob soon realized anal sex isn't all it's cracked up to be!
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by an elite team of French commandos)
New this fall on ABC ......Extreme Makeover/Monster Garage
The contest will be open until some time on Friday. Best caption gets 5 points with another handful thrown around to the rest of the best.
Click for big size. Presented as a thumnail to protect the wussies squeamish.
Oh, there were some good ones. Some less good ones too but we can save them for reuse in the election commercials two years hence.
In case you forgot this was the picture.
And without further ado here are the lucky winners!
Grand Prize: 5 points
John Kerry Attempts to Ride Swiftboat Record to Presidential Victory
First runner up: 3 points (selected by the nutless dog)
"I think we will just tie up here"
Second runner up: 2 points (selected by a small child)
Excellent work! Now let's get some pole dancers onboard and make a party of it.
Spirit Fingers
Third runner up: 1 point (selected by a small, nutless dog child)
Alright, you can drive now.
Come up with a caption for this one. The person who submits the best one (as judged by a triumvirate of myself, a small child and a nutless canine) shall live in infamy get a handful of points. What they hey - another handful of points will be spread out amongst the losers winning-impaired.
Contest is open until Friday and you can submit multiple entries.