Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
December 23, 2005
Match That Quote, Big 10 Edition
(Category: Match That Quote )

The rules:

  1. In the extended entry are quotes from 13 movies. Your job is to identify the movie that each quote came from.
  2. Guess as many times as you want, just don't get silly about it.
  3. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.
  4. As people guess the films I will strike out those entries and note who got it first.
  5. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!

BONUS POINTS: There is a person common to all of these movies; somebody who I'm only two degrees of separation away from. Three bonus points to the first person to correctly identify who it is.

Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (26) | TrackBack (0)
November 22, 2005
Match That Quote, Installment Nine
(Category: Match That Quote )

The rules:

  1. In the extended entry are quotes from 13 movies. Your job is to identify the movie that each quote came from.
  2. Guess as many times as you want, just don't get silly about it.
  3. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.
  4. As people guess the films I will strike out those entries and note who got it first.
  5. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!
Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (25) | TrackBack (0)
May 21, 2005
UPDATE: Match that quote, special Snooze Crew edition, with HINTS!
(Category: Match That Quote )

The challenge here still has points available. I am now opening it up to cheating--that is, Google, IMDB searches, asking people, and bribing the judge. However, they are now worth only one point. Good luck!

UPDATE THE SECOND: I've decided to offer some hints; they're in the extended entry. Still only one point each.

Posted by Victor | Permalink | Comments (4)
May 19, 2005
Match that quote, special Snooze Crew edition!
(Category: Match That Quote )

You know the rules...but in case you're either dense or a newbie:

1. In the extended entry are quotes from 10 movies. Your job is to identify the movie that each quote came from.
2. Guess as many times as you want, just don't get silly about it.
3. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.
4. As people guess the films I will strike out those entries and note who got it first.
5. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!

And I think this one is harder than Jim's Match that Quote. These are taken from old movies, cult films, and are, I think, lesser known quotes from relatively recent movies (except for one or two giveaways). Heck, one of 'em might even be from a cartoon. I confess I probably won't be as quick on the draw as Jim is on announcing right or wrong, so you'll just have to deal with it.

Posted by Victor | Permalink | Comments (18)
May 06, 2005
Match That Quote Numero Seveno
(Category: Match That Quote )

The rules:

  1. In the extended entry are quotes from 13 movies. Your job is to identify the movie that each quote came from.
  2. Guess as many times as you want, just don't get silly about it.
  3. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.
  4. As people guess the films I will strike out those entries and note who got it first.
  5. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!
Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (15)
April 27, 2005
Match That Quote, Limited Edition #6
(Category: Match That Quote )

The rules:

  1. In the extended entry are quotes from 13 movies. Your job is to identify the movie that each quote came from.
  2. Guess as many times as you want, just don't get silly about it.
  3. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.
  4. As people guess the films I will strike out those entries and note who got it first.
  5. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!

UPDATE: Holy crap on a stick! I accidentally posted the unedited final version instead of the edited correct version the first time around. If you saw the first version with the answers included please be a sport and sit this one out.

Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (26)
April 19, 2005
Movie Quotes Time

Results: Pylorns has posted the answers. The only one that nobody got was #3, Gold Finger. Here are the folks who won points (1 per each correct answer):

Helen: #5 and #9
Tiffani: #4
tommy: #2, #6 and #8
Rob: #10
Clancy: #1 and #7

Ok I'll let Jim award the points when I get back. 10 movie quotes for your guessing enjoyment. And don't google them or I'll come to your house and take a dump on the hood of your car. Name the movie, and preferably the actor that said it.

1. "You're crazy man, I like you, but your crazy."

2. "We get caught laundering money, we're not going to a white collar resort prison, we're going to a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison."

3. "Run along now dear, Man talk."

4. "...high school hasn't changed. There's still that one teacher who marches to her own drummer. Those girls are still there, the ones that, even as you grow up, will remain the most beautiful girls you have ever seen close up. The smart kids, who everyone else knew as 'the brains,' but I just knew them as my soul mates, my teachers, my friends. And there's still that one guy with his mysterious confidence who seems so perfect in every way. The guy you get up and go to school for in the morning. ... High school would not have been the same without him. I would not be the same without him. I lived a lifetime of regret after my first high school experience." (girls you'll get this one quick)

5. "Um, ok. That's the little boys' room and that's the little girls' room. Where are you going? Going to the mens' room." (my fav movie)

6. "Oh, now be honest, Captain. Warrior to warrior. You do prefer it this way, don't you, as it was meant to be. No peace in our time. Once more unto the breach, dear friends."

7. "A-B-C A-Always. B-Be. C-Closing. Always be closing. Always be closing!!"

8. "I've got a lot of fond memories of that dog."

9. "I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm just crewman number six. I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove the situation is serious. I gotta get out."

10. "Hey Terrorists, Terrorize this!"


Posted by SnoozeBob | Permalink | Comments (16)
March 18, 2005
Match That Quote IV
(Category: Match That Quote )

The rules (now modified from the generic meme version because with issue #4 it becomes mine):

  1. In the extended entry are quotes from 13 movies. Your job is to identify the movie that each quote came from.
  2. Guess as many times as you want, just don't get silly about it.
  3. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.
  4. As people guess the films I will strike out those entries and note who got it first.
  5. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!
Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (31)
March 09, 2005
Match that quote, issue 3
(Category: Match That Quote )

I think I'm addicted to this meme. For those of you who missed the first two versions, here's the rules:

  1. Pick 13 movies that you enjoy.
  2. Pick a line of dialog that you like.
  3. As people guess the film, strike out that entry.
  4. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!
  5. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.

Quotey bits are in the extended entry. Game on!

Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (22)
February 21, 2005
Match that quote, redux
(Category: Match That Quote )

Remember this little game? It was fun and I've had some movie quotes bouncing around in my head so I'm playing it again. Here's the modified SBD rules for the game:

  1. Pick 13 movies that you enjoy.
  2. Pick a line of dialog that you like.
  3. As people guess the film, strike out that entry.
  4. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, searching my archives etc.!
  5. First person to correctly guess each entry gets a point. If there are any left after 24 hours they are worth 2 points.

Quotey bits are in the extended entry. Game on!

Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (15)
January 27, 2005
Match that quote
(Category: Match That Quote )

Here's a nifty little meme/game/whatever I found at Dragons, Butterflies and Lady Bugs.

1. Pick 13 movies that you enjoy.
2. Pick a line of dialog that you like.
3. As people guess the film, strike out that entry.
4. NO cheating!!! That means NO: Google, IMDb, etc.!

To add a little spice I'm going to give a point to each first correct answer. Some of these are pretty difficult. Any left after 24 hours will go to 2 points each.

Adendum to #4, no searching my archives either.

Quotey bits are in the extended entry:

Posted by Jim | Permalink | Comments (35)
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