April 26, 2006
I love this stuff
Cheeses of Nazareth
Yes, I do watch American Idol. So sue me.
The thing I really love about it is Paula Abdul, who’s obviously high as a kite all the time. Last night she was really wrecked—crying and wailing and the whole nine yards.
Most people don’t want to believe this, but now pictures of her passed out, face down in a club are surfacing. For the most part the talent is mediocre, but there’s a certain entertainment factor involved here that I can’t deny, albeit it’s not intended by the producers.
As an added treat, one broad popped a button and we got a panty shot.
Posted by Paul! | Permalink
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In the history of my life, I've never been one to even consider calling in to any of these type of viewer-driven ratings shows. But last night, when that McPhee woman decided to give America the show we've been waiting for, even the wife said "You want to call and vote for her baby?" It almost moved me from the couch. Plus, she's the hottest one anyways.
Panty? I think not! From the angle I saw.....I swear I saw bush. And he wasn't there for a state of the union address...if ya know what I mean.
Damn that McPhee girl is yummy.
Yes, but the real question is, how long has Kevin Aylward had that fugly girl on his website? You stop reading Wizbang and he spins off pop sites and whoknowswhatelse...
I'm so out of touch.
wat the....what are you mad people talking about? ur all crazy i tell you!
Gee, I thought only queers watched Idol...