Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 08, 2005
I Don't Wanna Be...

Bane speaks on something that all bloggers eventually run into - the glass ceiling of e-etiquette.

Being that the web (blogs being a part of which) facilitates this immediate form of communication, much like telephone and conversation before it; many people start to wonder what it is they should hold back. I say, look at your blog as more of a personal diatribe than conversation. I mean, the thing wouldn't exist if you weren't there to drive it with whatever inane ideas are churning about inside your mind. Therefore, people aren't coming to your site to be entertained, cajoled, hosted, or handled with kid gloves. People come to your site because they, for whatever reason, identitfy with what's being put out on the page. Think about that next time you visit a site run by someone who you think is an ass.

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