October 18, 2005
Mmmm... UPDATED!
The fiance went to Sam's Club tonight and found this monster bottle of Riesling. I don't know how she managed to drag this Moby Dick of Teutonic wines back to the house in her compact hatchback, but she did, God love 'er. I had my annual evaluation at work today, and things went well - so I deserve to finish this whole bottle. And when I do, so help me sweet Jesus, at about 11 tonight; I think I'll cork it and have it shipped to NOAA on the back of a flatbed towtruck so they can use it as an open ocean weather buoy.
Hey, I'm just givin' back, you know, from my immense bounty.
Update: Holy shit, we just passed 10,000 hits since June! As my two buddies used to say - Thanks for your support.
Posted by shank | Permalink
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Yikes! Go back to the Bloody Mary's; there is nothing on this Earth worse than a wine hangover!
I'm German, English and American Indian. I don't get hangovers. I go to work, I spend my paycheck getting drunk, I wake up, and I go back to work.
Wow! 10,000 hits! Sweet!
And holy shit that's one mother of a bottle of wine. Just don't mix it with beer, last time I did that I wound up streaking the quad. Seriously.
Oh and hey, probably 8000 of those hits are me and jenE... no we're not stalkers.
Oh hey, I think it actually might look better if the blog entries weren't translucent, especially when you have images in them, it looks funky.
Oorgo, if you hit the permalink, the actual entry itself is on an opaque panel. I guess it's a little unusual, but I like it because it's a metaphor for the many layers of meaning Paul and I use when we write. Yep.
Yeah, metaphor my ass.
I really wish this would remember my info.
I really really do.
I'm really sorry it doesn't remember your info JenE; and I really wish I knew how to fix it.
I really really do.
Thanks, Shank.
I wish I had a blog stalker.... I used to have a girl that would read my blog and click on ads. Ah, those were the days.