Wooh, can't wait to see what flies out of Google with this post title.
I'm talking about my anal retentive nature, of course. Last night it struck me again just how anal I can be. We were heading to bed and Lovely Wife got there first. I went around the bed, underneath the comforter and pulled the sheets tight, re-tucking the bottom sheet where possible. Just like I always do. This was despite the fact that Lovely Wife was already in bed and the sheets were already straightened. It was also despite the fact that I realized the sheets were straight about half-way into the routine and finished doing it anyway.
Dopple-G used to complain loudly and constantly about my sandwich making peculiarities at work. This was back when we both worked at the same place and usually ate lunch together. My typical sandwich was a tuna sandwich with cheese. The bread had to be toasted one and a half times due to the crappy nature of the toaster there. It also took forever, also due to the crappy nature of the toaster. Then the tuna fish went on, mayo and pepper only. Then the cheddar cheese. The sandwich had to get nuked enough to melt the cheese. If any of these components was off, I didn't eat the sandwich.
It seems that once I get into a routine for a certain length of time it turns into an iron-clad obligation. The rules must not be broken, cannot be shirked. I think I'm salvageable though. I don't do that sandwich thing any more. After months of the sandwich at work cycle being forcibly suppressed (ie. unemployment) it faded and passed. I suppose if I slept on the couch for a month I'd break the sheet tightening thing also.
Fortunately Lovely Wife has high tolerance for my eccentricities so the couch thing isn't too likely.
Excuse me but it's time for another cup of coffee. I must go wash and dry my mug before refilling it.
I have always been puzzled by the fact that after shaving and brushing my teeth in the morning I will grab a towel and thoroughly dry my face and hands before getting in the shower.
Damn! That's another one I've got. Though I don't have to dry my whole face - just my mouth area and chin.
Wash you mug? (Coffee mug, that is.) I do that too - At least once a week, whether it needs it or not!
Ummm. Jim~ You have sandwich on the brain. Three post in two days about sandwiches. It's time to step away from the sandwich..slowly..so no one gets hurt.
I have a clutter/counter thing. I hate hate hate things on my counter if they don't belong there. Call it OCD. I wash my husbands glass even before he's finished.
Sure, so long as I'm focused on explosive diarrhea or ranting on Michael Moore everything is fine. Switch to sandwiches for a couple days and all of a sudden I've got issues. I see what's going on here...
See? This is why it would never work out between us. No sheets should ever be tucked in ever. Ever. I hate it when it makes my feet go flat. Death to sheets.
Oh, no! Never the top sheet! Not ever.
The top sheet is pulled straight and wrinkle free. It's the bottom sheet that get's tucked tight enough to bounce a coin on the mattress. The top sheet rides free as the wind and as soon as I get into bed I lift the foot part so there is no tension on the feet.
Man, you people have issues. You should try living like a slob sometime. It's very liberating.