Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
February 09, 2005
10 million dollar idea
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

Okay, this one's serious.

How much does a vending machine sandwich cost? Something like $2.50 to $3.00, right? How much does a fresh made deli sandwich cost at a place like the Atlanta Bread Company or Arbys? We're talking a buck or two more. And they're worth it.

If you had the choice between a vending machine sandwich that's been in there getting soggy and nasty for who knows how long or a fresh deli sandwich for a buck or two more, which would you take? The deli sandwich, obviously. The only reason people eat vending machine sandwiches is because they're there. They're convenient.

Offer deli quality sandwiches for the vending machine.

BOOM! Start raking in the money.

The reason vending machine sandwiches get so nasty is because they're all assembled already and the wet stuff turns the bread into a nasty mass that's a consistency somewhere between jello and the lung cookies that you hack up just as a chest cold is passing. Individually package the bread, meat and veggies. No more soggy bread. No more ham slices soaked in tomato juice. No more tomatoes squooshed into a red pulpy mass.

This is way bigger than the vending machine market, too. Sell them in supermarkets and you'll make a killing on people too freaking lazy time stressed to make their own sandwiches for lunch. Not to mention the people like me who thoroughly enjoy making a sandwich from scratch but can't stand to sacrifice an entire tomato since they can't use the rest of it.

I'm thinking a clamshell like the ones they sell Lunchables in. Hey, speaking of Lunchables this would put those suckers right out of business. If any Lunchables employees or shareholders are reading this, please contact me for job and investment opportunities.

Oh yes. This is the money maker. I can feel it!

Posted by Jim | Permalink

It's interesting to see someone so excited about these ideas. You should come work at the R&D department at my work. We're coming up with wonderful ideas like that all the time, but you wouldn't believe the amount of market research and product development, not to mention all the shelf-life studies, that need to be done before a product like that can get out on the market.

Posted by: Elyse at February 9, 2005 12:22 PM
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