December 28, 2004
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls...
True Stories
It tolls for that stinking rat bastard*.
The battles were harsh and more than once our courage faltered but we finally got him using bacon in the traps. He was a valiant foe but he was not a match for the power of bacon.
All told he cost us a squirrel, two birds, several days of rat banquet service as he stripped the traps and a crawl space completely covered with scattered rat shit.
* This is not an empty disparagement. As Georgia in its infinite wisdom has modified its Constitution with limits on the definition of marriage we can be certain that this rat's parents did not form a legal union prior to his birth.
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Great news!!
Is the rat still alive or has is gone to the crawl space of ambrosia and ponies in the sky?
It's pining for the fjords.