Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
December 28, 2004
(Category: Weblog Stuff )

So I joined BlogExplosion*. It's a nifty idea. You surf through blogs and accumulate points which are then spent to direct other surfers to your blog. You spend 30 seconds on a blog to get credit for viewing it.

One notable problem is that although surfing through the blogs takes a manual click there's nothing to stop people from keeping the surfing window open and just returning to it periodically to click to the next blog without ever giving a site even a cursory look. Oh, well. There are asses in every crowd, no sense crying about it.

The cool thing is that you might actually find a couple of blogs that you like. I've got a half dozen in the evaluation stage now. That's sweet.

Another sucky thing is that you get exposed to a whole lot of absolutely horrible blogs. True garbage, presented on a bed of skank with a side of rotten. After a short while surfing I've identified several instant elimination criteria. Any blog that pops up with any of these gets clicked off right away. Yeah, that means no credit for viewing but my browsing time is limited and I'm not about to look at a piece of crap for half a minute when there might be something worthwhile right around the corner.

So what are these items that ring the death knell for Jim's surfing? I'm glad you asked!

Black backgrounds with blue text. Or any dark background with any dark text. Any light background with light text too for that matter. If I have to highlight text in order to read it the site is dead to me. Ditto for obscuring background graphics.

Yet another female blogger set up with a pink background. Sorry, it's just too trite and common. I'm sure there are many fine pink-backgrounded blogs out there but the vast majority of these are full of inane posts and whining about terrible fate and the vagaries of being misunderstood.

The first post is a health complaint. Or the title is something along the lines of "My life with incurable rectal stenosis" or "My battles with chronic depression". Don't get me wrong now, I'm a compassionate person - I've got compassion leaking out of every orifice. I'm very interested in the travails of my friends and acquaintances. From them it is sharing and support. From strangers it is just depressing. Think of it this way; if you were on the subway and you had the choice between talking with the depressed guy with facial ulcers or the well spoken and cheerful accountant you'd probably pick the accountant. Unless you had some sort of ulcer fetish of course.

The first post is hard-line partisan. Strident tones from the right, left or middle. I like reading political commentary and opinions from every side but I'm fed up with the temper tantrums. Instant site failure.

sk8r kr@p. If u t1pe l1ke dis ur s1te sukz.

Too much crap in the sidebars. For the love of all that is holy, don't have so much crap on your site that it can't possibly load in 30 seconds over a T1 line. Animations, massive graphics, a hundred link buttons, busted java scripts, clutter, geegaws and toys. A weather pixy with a tagboard will get me off of a site faster than Michael Moore downs a Krispy Kreme.

And that's about it. It just comes down to the essentials really: have a site that is easy to load and navigate and doesn't immediately turn me off with depressing or angry content. And yes, I know that on any given day my site would fail one or more of these criteria. That's okay though, I already have the best readers in the world.

* Sign up with BlogExplosion through this link and I'll get 'points' as your referrer. That would be cool and would put a big smile on my depressed ulcerated face.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Hello via Blog Explosion!

Posted by: averagejoe at December 28, 2004 01:34 PM

Since you mentioned it
Any thing with the whole anime background. ( I have a 10 year old and have seen enough Yu-Gi-Oh & DragonBallz to last a life time).
The "My Mood Is" icon, my mood changes faster than I can update my blog.
Java scripts when you enter or leave a site
Any time you have vertical & horizontal scroll bars around your post. I just want to read it not search for the end of the sentence.

Posted by: Frick at December 28, 2004 09:23 PM

I had signed up for that, but then found out that they won't allow swearing or "inappropriate material", which pissed me off-so what, no orgasm talk? And who the fuck are they to be the blog police? They even tried to word it like "people who use swear words simply don't know how to utilize the English language with precision".

To which I say: Bite me.

And: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

And then I say: Bite me again.

Posted by: Helen at December 29, 2004 10:34 AM

That disclaimer is outdated. Anything goes, just like in the blogworld. If there's a lot of profanity you just get a profanity warning in the directory. Also, the surfbar can be set to avoid naughty sites so you wouldn't get hits from prudes. Personally I'm trying to get listed as profane. Heh.

Posted by: Jim at December 29, 2004 10:42 AM
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