June 16, 2004
Who you callin eejitous!?
Other People's Stuff
I'm an irredeemably eejitous, liberal, tight as fuck, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
How rude. Calling me a liberal*...why I aughta...
See how compatible you are with me!
(Snaked off Robert's beal post, and if that doesn't sound naughty then I don't know what does.)
* I kid. Being one of those folks mostly in the middle a lower case "L" liberal label fits as well as a lower case "C" conservative label. Which is to say, not tolerably well at all.
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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The Flying Pig ticket is the ticket of diversity!
I am "an apparently intelligent, liberal, tight as fuck, relatively well adjusted human being."
We're only 85% compatible. 85% This party encourages free thought!
I am "an irredeemably eejitous, conservative, tight as fuck, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child." And for some reason that means we're only 78% compatible...
Now how did you get conservative when Trey and I got liberal? It's not fair I tell ya. Not fair at all.
Lookie here -- "a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, tight as fuck, relatively well adjusted human being."
Jim -- 88% compatibility. [should I worry?]
Claire got liberal AND relatively well adjusted? That survey's broken! ;-)