February 23, 2007
More on words
Cheeses of Nazareth
I’ve done very little sailing in my day, but I’m a huge fan of nautical terminology. I’ve decided to start using some nautical terms at every opportunity.
Some of my favorites:
And of course, my favorite: Coxswain.
I encourage everyone to throw the word coxswain into as many conversations as possible, especially in the workplace. I believe the correct pronunciation is “Cox’n” but the phonetic pronunciation works well too.
Posted by Paul! | Permalink
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That is a goldmine isn't it? I've always like forecastle (pronounced foc'sl). And if you ever have way too much spare time, look through a book or article on nautical knots. Not only are some of them almost artistic in design, but the names are interesting too (sheepshank, carrick bend, etc).
And why have you decided to use this terminology?
Just to be a prick.