My only question is, does this mean we're going to have to go over there and save their country for them again? Seriously, even French bees get their asses handed to them on the regular?
Also, notice the global warming plug. It's apparently become a standard feature in journalism; up there with a byline and title. Getting hot? Global warming! Getting cold? Global warming! French honey bees getting eaten by other bees? Global warming!
I mean, if that's the way it's going to be; I suppose I can handle that. I just want to make sure that it's an excuse that I'll be able to use in the future as well. Forgot the anniversary? Global warming! Got drunk and made an ass of yourself? Global warming! Not productive at work? Global warming!
It aggravates me to no end. You're right, EVERYTHING is now blamed on global warming. I predict that soon enough others will realize it's sham, it will just take a long, long time.