As far as I'm concerned*, this is one of the best songs ever written. Not because it's musically groundbreaking, which it isn't; but because it's the definition of what a song is. If I ever adopted a life-changing work ethic and went back to school, I'd get an advanced degree in music history and write my thesis on this song alone. Unfortunately, there aren't enough stimulants in the world to keep me awake through a single music history class; let alone enter a library and do actual...research. Libraries give me the vertigo. No, it's worse than that. They give me a small dick complex. I hate libraries. More on that later.
Just check out the Wikipedia thread the music geeks have put together on this song. I love the three or four warnings at the top too. No shit it's unsubstantiated blathering, that's what analysis is!
At any rate, it's an awesome song, in the true tradition of song-writing; for what it's worth.**
*This phrase is the stupidest shit ever. Talk about a truly meaningless interjection. I'd put it up there with 'like', 'um', and anything written by John Steinbeck. Who cares about my concerns, or how far they go? That doesn't even make sense. Seriously! As far as I'm concerned? What am I, a dude with a PhD in rock and roll? No! I'm a fucking drunk retard, just like you!
**This phrase plumbs an even deeper depth of meaninglessness***.
***I think I'm going to pass out.
Whereas *I* love libraries. Can't get enough.
I find the line about drinking whiskey and rye so annoyingly stupid (like drinking wine and merlot) that I reject the entire song as being written by an ignoramus.
It's actually 'drinking whiskye in Rye'. I'm telling you; if you read the Wikipedia thing, all shall become clear.