June 07, 2006
Another Clue
Cheeses of Nazareth
The other day I heard that the median I.Q is 100.
That scares the hell out of me. That means that one half of us have a double digit I.Q. No wonder everything is so jacked up.
They say that 100, plus or minus 10, indicates average intelligence. I’m not so sure about that. Seventy-five is the beginning of retardation so I’m not sure I’d count ninety as average intelligence.
Where do you think people in the 75-90 range work? If you’re thinking garbage men, or landscapers you’d be wrong. My suggestion is to stand up and peer around the other cubes. Take a walk down the hall and get some water.
I rest my case.
Posted by Paul! | Permalink
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Where do you think people in the 75-90 range work?
Most of 'em are probably bloggers.
Where do you think people in the 75-90 range work?
I hate to answer a question with a question, but where the fuck don't they work?
A whole slew of 'em work at banks.
Which is why I'm glad I don't anymore.
Some fake their way to become doctors.
is this about that thing where 90% of people believe that they are of above average intelligence?