Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 14, 2005
Meet the new Snooze, same as the old Snooze
(Category: Weblog Stuff )

Well, not quite exactly the same. Snooze Button Dreams is now a multi-author blog. Shank and Paul are joining up as SBDs co-hosts. Give them both a warm Snoozy welcome!


Okay then, let's take care of the questions:

Q: Why the multi-author thing?

A: I've been toying with the idea for quite some time. In typical form I procrastinated for months before finally deciding I had to shit or get off the pot. I decided to shit.

Q: But why?

A: A bunch of reasons. First and foremost is you, my lovely reader. It is incredibly flattering that I get hundreds of hits a day even when I post once a week like I have been lately. You deserve better than a post a week. Second, I think it's the way of the future. The incredible plethora of blogs out there means that individual blogs are getting less and less attention. By teaming up with other authors who have similar tastes this blog will hit higher on the attentionometer. Third, I view having direct authoritative input into the blog as a good thing. More ideas, hopefully better ones, will help SBD grow into its maturity. And beyond!

Q: Why Paul?

A: We fit well together. We have a similar sense of humor, compatible writing styles, and work well together. In fact, we work well enough together to co-author shorts. Remember Protomonkey?

Q: Why shank?

A: Mostly the death threats. He knows where I live.

Q: No, really.

A: Pretty much the same as with Paul. I've known him for a long time from his comments around the neighborhood and from his own blogs. He cracks my shit up. He's also able to go from poop humor to delicate insight in a single post. You gotta love that.

Q: So is this really a multi-person blog or are you just letting them post here?

A: It's really a multi-person blog now. Majority rules and all that happy stuff.

Q: What about my points?!

A: Points continue. shank and Paul will be handing them out too, if they want.

Q: Are you tossing the Snooze Crew™?

A: Nope. The Snooze Crew™ is a highly valued part of the site. Only now, any of three will be able to tap their mad blog skillz when needed.

Q: Can I join up too?

A: Nope. Not right now anyway. We need to get through the transition period and get comfy with managing a group blog before we consider taking on any more owners. Paul and shank have been doing it for a while but it's new to me. No big bumps are expected but, as Confucious say: Man who live in glass house should dress in basement.

Q: What the hell does that mean?

A: Nothing really. I was just trying to end this on a humorous note.

Q: You failed miserably.

A: Yeah, I know.

A: Hey! Look over there! Something shiny!

Posted by Jim | Permalink | TrackBack (1)

I don't like the idea that much.There is nothing personal in a blog when its written by someone else then the actual owner.I post once a month on mine.Who cares??But its MY personal blog and I don't like to share that.
Just my opinion.Especially since I only read anything here that is posted by Jim.Others posts on here do not trigger my curiosity and in my opinion have nothing to do here.Sorry folks.Takes the whole nice part of SBD away.:-(

Posted by: The Brat at November 15, 2005 12:21 PM

Ah, so following suit after wetwired.. yep, everyone wants to be like wetwired...

Posted by: pylorns at November 15, 2005 12:42 PM

Schweet it almost remebers my personal info aside from the fact the remeber personal info radial button keeps goign to "no"

Posted by: pylorns at November 15, 2005 12:43 PM
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