UPDATE: Results in the extended entry.
Another post in such a short time might give Victor and Tiffani a heart attack, but I'm willing to take that chance in my vain efforts to get all of you to dance like trained monkeys for me. That's just the sort of selfless fellow I am.
The trivia: What was the little circle doohickey called that you put in the hole of a 45 to play it on a standard record player spindle?
The payoff: 3 points to the person who knows the answer. Some more to the answer than most makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.
The restriction: No searching.*
* I'll do that when I check for the correct answer since I haven't the slightest clue what that thing is called**. Despite the fact that they were an everyday part of my life for two decades.
** Astute readers will interpret this in one of two ways. Either I've recognized this as a cool odd-ball trivia and am taking advantage of it to give out some points or, since I have to look up the correct answer eventually, I'm using the contest thing as a tool in my continual efforts to procrastinate in order to avoid looking up the answer for as long as humanly possible. It's probably a bit of each.
Survey says...
45 Adapter!
The correct answer needed at least one of these: 45, 45 rpm, record.
And one of these: adapter, insert.
Spindle adapter was a popular choice but is incorrect. The spindle adapter was the rectangular thing that slipped over the spindle, therefore adapting it to play 45s.
3 points for Victor!
It looks like nobody went for points with a humorous entry but Paul's comment about the excellent sound quality of those vehicle sized record players at least contained sarcasm and nostalgia. 1 point to Paul!
We always called 'em 45 adapters.
I think they were called 45 rpm record or spindel adaptors
Spindle adapters was the proper name.
Thank GAWD for your faithful or I would have been stuck on this question all day. I had nothin'.
And, as per my usual, I'm blaming my preggo brain for it, too.
It's my story -- and I'm stickin' to it.
I was just getting ready to send a probe out looking for you. If you're going to let work interfere with blogging, I'm telling you now, I'll be pissed.
I was begining to think the worst.
As the 45 thingy, all I can say is that if you stacked a whole bunch of 45's at once there would be too much slip and it would slow down and the records would sound like shit.
Boy, do I miss the excellent sound quality of my living room sized, multi-faceted furniture-like turntable.
It's called a spindle lobe. That was a gay question Jim, and if your sons didn't have such awesome names I'd swear you were a ballet-dancing fruitbooter.
What are they called - Hamburger and Bacon or something like that? Chowder and Salsa? I can't remember; but for them, the world would just assume you were an ass spelunker.
Hey Jim, since I did get the answer correct also do I at least get one point. :)
yay for me!
Yeah,I agree....Wallay had it right as well....why does he not get a point???UNfair game play here........VERY unfair!!!:-P
"First prize, you get a Caddilac. Second prize, you're fired!"
Sorry, no points for second best. ;)
You left out the steak kinifes Jim.. Glen Gary Glen Ross
As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anyone want to see second prize? Second prize's a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired!
How could I forget the steak knives!?
Two points for pylorns!