Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
March 08, 2005
Say what?!
(Category: True Stories )

Lovely Wife is a huge U2 fan. She even likes the crap that came out after The Joshua Tree. Now THAT'S dedication.

Anyway, they're currently touring and there's a decent chance they'll be coming through Atlanta. They're continual teasing about it anyway. Lovely Wife went online to find out how much U2 tickets are running at their other venues on the tour.

Here's a serious question for y'all. What flavor of stupid do you need to be to pay $4,800+ for a ticket to see a band? Any band. Led Zeppelin reunited - not worth it. The Beatles in their prime - not worth it. Lynrd Skynrd's Back From The Dead Tour - with an intermission show where they "Go Southern" on the Dixie Chicks - not worth it. Well, maybe. Depending on what I meant by "Go Southern".

The point is that if I'm paying $4,800 to see U2 the concert better end with Bono giving me a blowjob while The Edge juggles my jewels. Whoever else is in the band can serve drinks and pastries and provide towels as needed.

I'm just saying.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

It's not aimed at people like you and me. Scary isn't it? There are people out there with that kind of money that they aren't going to BLINK when they fork it out. Guess what...a bunch of them live in PB County and will fly their personal jets to see them. Blech.

Posted by: Boudicca at March 8, 2005 10:18 PM

Wow. Just... wow. Hubby-head and I and our friend Ryan got tickets for the U2 concert in our area for about $60 each with all the taxes and fees. Of course, that's because our friend Ryan was on for 10 solid minutes hitting "refresh" until the tickets went on sale. They sold out in less than an hour if I recall correctly.

Posted by: songstress7 at March 9, 2005 05:53 PM

They have 2 concerts in San Jose and I STILL couldn't get my hands on any tickets. That just bites. I may be forced to play the stupid radio games in hopes of winning some. UGH!

Posted by: Pam at March 12, 2005 07:01 PM
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