Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
January 07, 2005
Nigerian scammers are really pissing me off
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

The quality of Nigerian scams has degraded so much over the past couple of years. Just look at this piece of garbage I got today:


My greetings.

I got your email address from a casual enquiry wherein I sought for trustworthy potential partners with whom to go into business with in the investment of some contact funds ( $ 8,500,000.00 U.S ) currently trapped. It is my hope that you will be of assistance in helping me free the trapped funds, transfer it, and put it to investment purpose. 10% of the funds will accrue to you for your assistance.

The source of the funds are as follows: During the last military regime in my country,government officials awarded contracts that were grossly over-invoiced to Contractors. The present civilian government set up the Contract Review Panel, and mandated it to use the instruments of payments made available to it by the decree setting up the panel, to review those contracts and if necessary pay those who are being owed outstanding amounts.I have identified the above mentioned sum which have been lying unclaimed for years and would like to transfer and invest it.My position as a current serving Civil servant forbids me from operating foreign Bank accounts, this is why I need your assistance.

Here is where you come in : I need you to furnish me with the following information :

With these information, I will forward an application for payment in your busines's favour and ensure that it is approved. Upon the transfer of the funds, I will meet with you in your country so that we can go into investment after sharing in the agreed percentages ( 10% for you ).

Please do reply,


I mean - that is truly pathetic. It breaks my heart to see the fine tradition of Nigerian scamming headed straight into the shit heap. Being me, I could not let this go without expressing myself. My reply is in the extended entry.

Dearest Olawale,

Oh my God! You people are getting worse and worse. Can't you even come up with some sort of believable scheme? I mean...come on! Do you really expect people to believe that a person willing to steal 8.5 million from his own government is seriously worried about the employment repercussions of opening a foreign account?

"accrue to you"? What the hell is that? You're pretending to be a financial reviewer and you don't even know what "accrue" means? You know what the best part about $5 words is? You don't have to use them when you have no fucking clue what they mean. English is very versatile, with hardly any clicks or whistles to trip you up. Try something like "will be given to you".

And here's a little business tip for you. Your scam might go better if you didn't use the same email list as every other Nigerian scammer. What do you do - pool the addresses? You see, when people get a dozen of these things in a week even the most moronic of them get a clue.

Wait a didn't even mention which misbegotten country you are pretending to be from. I swear, it's like you guys aren't even trying any more! What the hell happened to professional pride in your work? No self respecting grifter would put his fake name on that piece of shit.

It used to be that you'd at least be good enough for a laugh but now you can't even meet that miniscule goal. You've lost the spark, man. You've lost the love for the game.

Mtumbe Alaspagetti

Posted by Jim | Permalink

That is the best fake name i've ever seen, good on yeh!

Posted by: tommy at January 7, 2005 08:23 PM

Not even crooks take pride in their work anymore...what is this world coming to???


Posted by: Mick at January 8, 2005 12:15 PM

Have you seen the website where a guy documents his yanking the chain of whomever sent him a Nigerian scammer email? It's really funny. Do a google search on it.

Posted by: Kate at January 9, 2005 04:14 AM

There's a hobby group out there somewhere that does that. They're a riot.

Posted by: Jim at January 9, 2005 04:39 AM

The new low of such requests includes, at least in an e-mail I received, this line "Now I want you to assist me in getting some
cash deposit claim and distribute to charity and people of the tsunami disaster."
I'm tempted to ship him the dog that bit me. The two deserve each other.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at January 9, 2005 08:13 AM

Don't you also worry about and shake your head at the people who don't understand this is a terrible mistake and exploitation of their generosity....Someone somewhere must be "assisting" them or they wouldn't keep coming up with newer versions.

Posted by: Crystal at January 9, 2005 09:58 PM

How do I get in on this deal?

Posted by: Kenny at January 10, 2005 11:53 AM

It's easy, Kenny. Just use your email address anywhere on the internet and eventually these good samaritans will find you. The breaking point for me was giving my email addy to my utility company. Georgia Power takes care of its customers in more ways than one.

Posted by: Jim at January 10, 2005 11:56 AM
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