Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 11, 2004
I would have joined the Army but my ASVAB score was too high
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

Wishes of a happy Veterans Day to all of the men and women who have protected this great country in past and present. (Lovely wife says thanks too.)

I served in the Navy myself. Eight years as a Hospital Corpsman in the Reserves. A bit over two years of that was spent on active duty.

In the beginning I didn't have a specialty so was basically just a nurse's aide with EMT training. My unit became the foundation for a Mobile Fleet Hospital unit (like M*A*S*H except we didn't have dirt floors) so I was then trained as a Marine. Military logic, don't ask for an explanation please. During Desert Storm I was activated and sent to Oakland (motto: The New Jersey of the west coast) to become an Operating Room Technician. That's the guy who hands the surgeon the sponges and clamps and needles and blades and stuff. After eight years in medicine with some of the most expensive surgical training you could ask for I promptly got into computers.

All of that is a huge non-sequitir to the story I'm going to tell you today: How Jim Ended Up As A Corpsman

Part of the process of joining the military is taking the ASVAB test. That stands for Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery. They put you in a field and shoot cannons at you. If you dodge enough of them they let you join.

I jest. It's actually a fill-in-the-oval test like the SATs and is designed to determine what military billet you could eventually fill. Lots of math and geometry, physics principles, word comprehension, mechanical aptitude stuff, and at least ten or eleven questions that amount to "The answer is A. Darken the oval next to the letter A. No, you dumbass! The one next to that!" Being a math wiz who spent his formative years helping Dad fix cars and planes and only rarely being a dumbass this test was pretty much designed for me to make it my bitch.

And I did. It is an hour-plus timed test. I finished it in fifteen minutes or so and was too bored to double check my answers so I took a nap. My score was in the 98th percentile. Pretty awesome, right? I'd have my pick of billets, right? I could go and do just about anything I wanted to, right?

Of course not. This is the MIL-I-TARY we're talking about here, people. My post-test meeting with my recruiter went something like this:

Recruiter: Congratulations, you got a 98 on the ASVAB!

Me: Wow! That's great! What did I get wrong?

Recruiter: You didn't actually miss anything but they deducted two points for drool on the answer sheet.

Me: Oh. Sorry about that. So what job can I get into?

Recruiter: You've got a great choice here. You can be a Chaplain's Assistant or a Hospital Corpsman.

Me: Hmmm...I'm not really interested in either of those. What else have you got?

Recruiter: Well, that's it. Chaplain's Assistant or Hospital Corpsman.

Me: I scored 98 and I have a choice between only two slots? You're telling me that people have to get a perfect score to get any real choice?

Recruiter: Oh, no! That's not it at all. Quite the opposite. You see, you scored much higher than the expected range for most billets. If you had scored 100 your choice would be even more limited.

Me: You're shitting me.

Recruiter: I shit you not.

Me: Don't you guys have nuclear powered ships?

Recruiter: Yes we do.

Me: And I'm too smart to be a nuke?

Recruiter: Well, yes, in a manner of speaking.

Me: And you've got computers, right?

Recruiter: Yes. Our deployment is extensive and growing at an amazing rate.

Me: But I'm too smart for that?

Recruiter: Yes.

Me: You've got steganography, mathematical coding, encryption and suchlike?

Recruiter: Yes. That's been huge since WWII.

Me: But I'm overqualified?

Recruiter: Essentially, yes.

Me: Okay then. I think I see a pattern here. Just what does a Chaplain's Assistant do?

Recruiter: They help the Chaplains with records and scheduling and such.

Me: I see. And a Hospital Corpsman?

Recruiter: They're the hospital workers. They take care of patients and work closely with nurses.

Me: So my choice is between secretary and candy striper?

Recruiter: Well I wouldn't put it that way...

Me: Yet I'm overqualified for every single advanced technical position?

Recruiter: Um...yeah.

Me: Just out of curiosity, what would I be if I'd gotten a 100?

Recruiter: A recruiter.

Me: Thank God for drool.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

I would swear you were making this up but it just fits too well with everything anyone who's ever been in the services has told me about the experience. Secretary and a candy striper . . . it was the promise of a cute pink and white pinafore that swayed you, then?

Posted by: ilyka at November 11, 2004 06:02 PM

What can I say? I look good in stripes.

Posted by: Jim at November 11, 2004 06:37 PM

You know what pissed me off most about the 98% ranking I got on that damn test? All the frickin' recruiters calling me at God awful hours in the morning. I was a damn HS senior! I only got out of bed before 10AM on a Saturday if my Dad hailed reveille on us. (Navy man, bowsman pipe from his carrier days... I may need therapy one day.)

I would have picked Chaplain's asst. Sick people annoy me. *grin*

Posted by: Boudicca at November 11, 2004 10:28 PM

While funny, it also makes me worried to think that it might be true.

Posted by: Simon at November 12, 2004 12:44 AM

Would it surprise anyone if they would elect intelligence?Afterall...when they send you to war,in order to dug from bullets you don't need brain.....just FAST legs.Its a well-known fact that nerds have no physical speed.
Ok.......I am going to have to suffer through a looooooooog,hard weekend now because of this...wish me luck,y'all!

Posted by: LW at November 12, 2004 07:32 AM

No backrubs for you! Two weeks!

Posted by: Jim at November 12, 2004 07:54 AM

I echo Simon's comment. I worry that there was a large kernel of truth in this one.

Posted by: RP at November 12, 2004 08:20 AM

Oooh! Hidden points! "Candy Stripe Nurses" was an early 70's porn flick!

How many points was that worth?

Posted by: Victor at November 12, 2004 01:30 PM

Hmmm...I'll have to rent that over the weekend to find out if points are in order, Victor.

Simon & RP - There's an unfortunately large kernel of truth in this one.

Posted by: Jim at November 12, 2004 01:38 PM

If your tale is true he was doing the most holy of recruitment bs which was lying to you. He probably got a bonus if he could recruit either of those jobs. I had an AF recruiter that lied totally about what jobs were available and a whole bunch of other things, as I later found out.

Posted by: Colfaxeng at November 12, 2004 07:40 PM

I think Colfaxeng is right. Typically the top % go to nuke power school.

Posted by: Boudica at November 12, 2004 10:23 PM
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