There are a lot of sucky things about job hunting. One of the suckiest is that you have to give at least a cursory examination to all of your email. Even the ones that SpamBayes absolutely guarantees are spam. I know that SpamBayes is 99%+ efficient but if I miss a chance at Ultimajob because their HR guy uses too much marketspeak and SpamBayes equates his missive with a cia|is mailing and I didn't catch it before deleting it I would be seriously pissed. No, wait a sec. I wouldn't be pissed because I wouldn't actually know about it if I didn't catch it.
Ah, hell. You know what I mean - I don't want to miss anything and as a person looking at a lack of employment I'm motivated enough to do something that I haven't done in months - read the Subjects of a hundred or so porn and drug spams on a daily basis.
On the plus side I got a genuine giggle out of this one from Grover Oneill (no apostrophe please, thank you very much): The Beeeeeest Lubeeeee For Your Johnsooooooon.
Hehehehe. Now I can't stop thinking about my Johnsoooooooon and what the Beeeeeest Lubeeeee for it might be.
Hehehe - Lubeeeeeee. That's a winner.
Yay elongated spammy goodness. I don't know if you saw this post over at IP ut it seems to be a new trend!
I wonder if that kind of thing should go on a resume. You know: Creator of beeeest lubbbeeee for your johhhhnson. That might perk up interest.
Not sure if you're already ahead of the game, but I did get hits on my resume (CV over here) when I posted it on and and allowed recruiters to search it (i.e. I made it "published"). It worked-I did get calls and hits on it. Maybe something to think about?
I got a good one this morning: "So effective you'll need new underwear!"
I added that to my resume Helen but I think I'm going to go with Jen's contribution instead. I mean - how can you beat "So effective you'll need new underwear" as a bullet point?
If you do find ultimajob, will you also save me a spot in the cube next to you?
Oh, and please don't tell anyone I asked. I think my general attitude these days is enough of a hint.
You betcha, Trey. It'll make campaign coordination much easier too.