The 28th Bestofme Symphony is up at The Owners Manual. Join Al Bundy (and Gary Cruse) for a tour of the finest reading in the Blogosphere.
Next week's Symphony will be hosted by The Smallest Minority (
BRIBERY: We’re so short on our host schedule that I'm resorting to bribery again. Send me an email to volunteer to host and you'll get a code for a week of free blogads on That site's getting just over 1100 unique visits a day so you're bound to pick up a reader or two.
Submit to the Symphony: Want to be a part of next week's edition? Check out this post for submission help. Entries should always be sent to regardless of who the Symphony host is.
Email Reminders: If you'd like to be sent a reminder about the Symphony, join the mailing list. There's one email sent on Thursday or Friday to remind you to submit for the next Symphony and one on Monday with the location of the newly posted Symphony.