Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
May 21, 2004
Michael Moore ate my computer
(Category: True Stories )

My PC died right after opening the day for Michael Moore bashing. That greaseball somehow sabotaged me.

Anyway, I'm going to be generally incommunicado as far as email goes as the computer I'm on now is (besides being in the middle of the training room as part of the class that I am currently attending) lacking in any communications capabilities. On the plus side I can now fake a phone outage and completely ignore everybody in the building when I get back to my desk.

Can anybody explain to me why it is that you can get a warning from SmartDisk that your drive is failing but Dell still won't replace it until it actually dies? And why is it that corporate admins refuse to just buy another damned hard drive when the customer service contract that they have with Dell proves to be foolishly lacking in common sense? I just happen to be in class today but I can guarantee that Dell won't have a replacement hard drive in my machine by Monday morning. Maybe sometime on Monday it'll get here and the machine will be loaded with software by the end of business. I'll spend the entirety of Tuesday setting it up for me.

That's two days of lost me. How much does a new hard drive cost compared to two days of my salary? How about losing two days from an already compressed production schedule? I really hate stupidity.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

SmartDisk that your drive is failing but Dell still won't replace it until it actually dies?

call back provide them with the warning and ask them to replace it. They have to. I used to work there.

Posted by: pylorns at May 21, 2004 03:54 PM

Or maybe my Sys Admin is just inept. Too late in any case as it is already dead.

Posted by: Jim at May 21, 2004 03:57 PM
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