Warning: This post is
It wasn't intentional but every post so far today has held a dig on France's favorite so I might as well go with the flow.
Here's one from Rachel Lucas that tickles me. She's designed the Orca (tm) Michael Moore range target (full size version available at her place).
What Moorisms do you have? Trackback or link it in the comments here. Or just spout off in the comments here. Openly vitriolic comments encouraged. I'll start you off with some humor:
Q: How many Michael Moores does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. That fat fuck wouldn't have a clue how to do something constructive that would actually reveal things that are in darkness. And what's with suggesting that there could be more than one Michael Moore? You sick bastard.
UPDATE: Claire has the scoop on Mikey's eveningwear. Monitor/liquids warning for this one.
* Title corrected. As LeeAnn notes in the comments, nobody in their right mind would fuck Michael Moore.
Regarding the title of this post, as the GM1 so delicately puts it, I wouldn't fuck Michael Moore unless I had a stage-three-syphlitic camel's dick handy.
Agreed. I've edited the title accordingly.
I love it when I use my powers for good instead of evil.
Um, attacking the man for his documentaries by attacking his weight problem is a pretty lame straw man, Jim.
Yes, he's in awful shape and will likely die soon but so what. America is the nation of the obese.
Just channeling my inner Franklin. ;-)
we uns aint got no nede fer no fancy pants big werds colleage boys like mikal more an jon kery, all we uns nede is a good ol boy like bush what kin teach us kids how ta put a x on our welfare checks and are gun permits so we kin hep fite them there long haird terriers
No, no, no! How many times do I have to tell you? It's rag head terriers. The long hairs are the hippies and we're not allowed to shoot them.
Thank you so very much for the range target!! ^_^
Dozens of squirrels found a repreive this 4th of July weekend, as I intend to blow off some steam on America's Very own Stay Puff MarshMallow-Man. Ladies and Gentlemen, Michael (the fat bastard) Moore!
I hope the fuck dies choking in a twinkie.
BTW, Every respectable jouranlist agrees: 911 is a farce with no basis in reality. PURE PROPAGANDA. Its NO WONDER Hezbolla plans to distribute this film abroad.
dat be write, we uns aint got no ejecajion cause a dem dere irakis stealing all our jobs, bush don did gude on my etitcatjion in tecksas and his no chile lef behine program dat ate all the real edjicajion funds up, his jobz pergam hepped me get on the welfaarre an all aor kidz nede to know iz ta sign a x to inlest in miltary were dey belonz, moore is a big wordz no it all who aint got no buzzinezz trying to tach aour kidz a what fer