Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
March 03, 2004
Things we need
(Category: True Stories )

A Stink-O-Meter(tm) would be nice.

The basic model would just be installed on the bathroom door and indicate the relative stench in the bathroom by flashing a color code similar to the terrorism alert color chart thingy the government uses. Nah, better keep it simpler than that. Green is safe, yellow is use at your own risk and red is extreme danger - avoid at all costs, voluntary entry voids life insurance.

The advanced model would prevent the door opening from the outside during red states to prevent accidental entry and to protect the visually impaired.

A deluxe model would tie into your wireless network so you could evaluate stank levels from your desk and arrange alternate waste disposal methods if necessary.

Yes, there is a specific event that brought this thought process to fruition today. No, I am not ready to talk about it.

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