Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
February 27, 2004
Lloyd K. Geillinger: Opinionated? Yes. Flaming Ass? Um...yeah, he fits my definition.
(Category: Flaming Asses )

I'm not going to rag on Lloyd because he's a homophobe. I'm not going to rag on him because he's opinionated. I'm not even going to rag on him because he's most likely a hypocritical closet fag himself. No, I'm not going to rag on him for any of these things. Instead, I'm going to rag on him because he's a flaming ass. In fact, Lloyd has inspired me to start a new category here at Snooze Button Dreams where I'll showcase such flaming asses.

Lloyd K. Geillinger

As long as my faith teaches me what it does, coupled with the fact that homosexual lifestyles threaten the very fabric that has held society together for centuries on this planet...

Homosexual lifestyles threaten the very fabric that has held society together for centuries on this planet? Um, Lloyd (I keep wanting to spell that "Llyod" for some reason), you better sit down for this one. There have in fact been homosexuals on this planet, in society for centuries. I know! I was shocked too! I mean, how in he who must not be named's name has society kept its very fabric together? It's a mystery. Go pray for an answer.

...not to mention the worry people have on how these gay teachings affect their kids and grandkids...

Gay teachings? What are gay teachings? Oh, you mean interior design and cosmetology! Of course, I should have known that straight off. Well, the easiest way to prevent these gay teachings from affecting your kids and grandkids is not to let them into cosmetology school. This is critical because if they ever so much as enter the doors of such an institution they will immediately turn gay. Go pray that this calamity never comes to pass. It's okay, I'll wait for you.

Nice weather we're having. Dumdy-dum-dum-dum. Is it ironic that "pray" and "gay" rhyme? I wonder what Llyod would think about that. Oh damn, misspelt Llyod. Damn, did it again. Ah well, we'll just go with it. de yo de do...There once was a man from Nantucket...

Oh, Llyod's back! So soon, Llyod? You really should pray harder on that one. I mean, you know, catching gay isn't anything to take lightly.

As long as there is religious faith teaching people that the homosexual lifestyle is morally wrong, there will be the seemingly never-ending “Mexican stand-off” that exists in our society over what people think.

No, not really. I know quite a few people who are devoutly religious and still manage to realize that what they believe should not necessarily be forced on everybody else. An example is my cousin. Dopple-G does in fact believe that homosexuality is a problem spiritually but he also recognizes that a person's spirituality (or lack of it) is entirely that person's business and not his own. He also recognizes that the old paper rag we've based this country on is pretty explicit about people being treated equally. And gays didn't come from Mexico, Llyod so I don't know where you got this "Mexican Standoff" thing (although it does sound intriguing). Everybody knows they came from Canada.

Now Llyod, I understand that you have a burning need to press your beliefs upon the people around you. It's a common problem with fundamentalists. However, I'd like you to take a minute or two (or several weeks) and peruse your bible (that's the book you say you're following, word of God and all that) and find where it says it's a good and okay thing to hate and fear people because they're not the same as you. You know, something along the lines of "Striketh down ye otherfolk for they, not being like you, are strikeable in my sight and yeah unto them shall be my displeasure for their differences. Woah to him that isn'teth like Lloyd for only Lloyd holds perfection in his grasp. And yeah though I am the maker of all things and all people I do so fuck up occasionally so righteous peopleth like Llyod should take it upon themselves to fix My errors."

After you find that verse we'll go pray for a while.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Opinion without factual evidence to back it up is as useful as a door without a knob. Oh wait, Lloyd's the knob! Got it.

The spewing fear being perpetrated by the homophobic side is almost laughable in its earnest short sighted stupidity.

Isn't it interesting that those with these opinions held by sentiment feel the burning NEED to spread their words of dissent and intolerance? As if, in the act of spreading the word, they are trying to convince themselves without seeing the truck sized holes in their "logic".

Posted by: Johnny Huh? at February 27, 2004 03:29 PM

Gay teachings? What are gay teachings?

Maybe it's just been my own personal experience, but generally I'd say that suggesting the existence of a "gay agenda" is only about the fastest, surest way to incur the wrath of gays and lesbians.

Or you could be sardonic about it like my friend Charlie was:

"What'cha been up to, Charlie?"

"I'm celebrating exceeding my quota for the month."

"They set quotas for y'all over there?" (Charlie bartended at Dave & Buster's.)

"No, no, not work. I mean my recruitment of innocent children to the homosexual lifestyle. I racked up six this month."

"That's great!"

"I wish you'd hurry up and have some so I could add them to my points total. You know we get prizes for certain point levels? I'm fixin' to win a washer/dryer next month. Maytag."

"I take it someone gave you shit about all this recently."

"Just my girlfriend's mother."


"That's okay. I just keep telling myself, eyes on the prize, girl. Eyes on the prize."

Where'd you find this guy, anyway?

Posted by: ilyka at February 27, 2004 03:32 PM

For the record, I'm not out looking for jackasses to expose. I monitor news articles about zero tolerance policies for the other site and the op-ed that this numbnut wrote had a title of "Zero tolerance for gays is defended".

Yah, you heard me right. It's not zero tolerance for gay marriage, it's zero tolerance for gay people.

I'm sure Llyod has his Klan dues paid up.

Posted by: Jim at February 27, 2004 09:32 PM

By the way, how do you like my flaming ass graphic? Put that together all by myself, I did. I'm available for hire for all of your tacky graphic needs.

I'll try cheesy line art too, if the price is right.

Posted by: Jim at February 27, 2004 09:34 PM

Err, I kinda like the flaming ass graphic. Reminds me of my bout with hemorrhoids (you call 'em hemorrhoids, I call 'em bigots -- same difference).

If it weren't for gay men, who would cut my hair? I'll tell you who: 20-year-old trailer-types fresh from cosmetology school, that's who. LONG LIVE THE FAB FIVE!!!

Posted by: Joey at February 28, 2004 01:48 AM

Gotta agree with Joey. Young trailer trash can't cut hair for crap.

That's why my barber is a 50 year old man.

I don't think he's gay, being married & all, but he does give homo-quality haircuts.

Posted by: Harvey at February 28, 2004 02:28 PM
Posted by: SHOX SHOES at September 19, 2009 02:36 AM
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