Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
February 23, 2004
Like sands through the hour glass...
(Category: About Jim ) is the Cheddar X of our lives.

Similar to last week, one of the answers here is a bald faced lie. Can you spot it?

Update: Answer to the lie is at the bottom of the extended entry.

1. What was your last good deed for a stranger?
Let's see...if we exclude common courtesies like holding a door, giving up a cab and helping old ladies across the street...and we exclude things that I'm being paid to do (in the context of my job)...damn. I can't specifically recall a single really good deed that I've done for a stranger. Ever.

2. Describe the last relationship that ended badly or with regrets.
My last relationship before meeting my Lovely Wife ended quite badly. It was a whirlwind that lasted less than a year. It ended with her sleeping around with a couplefew fellows. "Sleeping" is a euphamism there as she wasn't actually sleeping, she was really playing hide the bologna.

3. Do you love or hate your job? Why?
I love it. I work with great people and have a job that I am very suited for and extremely good at. It's the best money I've ever made and we have a ping-pong table and a dart board. Also for the first time, my computer at work is actually faster than my computer at home.

4. What was the strangest place you've lived?
For a few months I lived in Arizona with my Mom, my Aunt, 2 cousins, a second cousin's son and a brother, all in a three bedroom ranch. At various times during those few months there was another brother with his underage skank fiance and that aforementioned 2nd cousin.

5. What blogs do you occasionally read just because you have no idea why anyone would have any interest in reading them?
None really. Actually it's the opposite - I don't understand why a lot of the blogs I'm reading don't have a lot more traffic.

6. Have you engaged in comment wars before? On your blog or on someone else's? What was the war about?
Nope. In the words of the immortal Anna, fighting on the internet is a lot like beating each other with wiffle bats. Now flag wars, those are completely different.

7. Do you ban IP's and commenters? Who and why?
Oh, yeah. I ban spammers as soon as they surface. I've also banned a couple obvious pass through profanity spillers. If you want to tell me to fuck off that's fine but you better at least give me your email address so I can respond. Anonymous profanity and insults from snipers don't fly with me.

8. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet them?
That really depends on the person. Sometimes it's a smile, sometimes it's a handshake. Other times it might be body spikes or particularly foul clothing choices (like a Miami Dolphins t-shirt, for example). Most people have something about them that stands out and I tend to zero in on those things.

9. Have you already made up your mind about the next Presidential Election?
About who I'm voting for? Yes. With Lieberman out, there isn't much option for me. I guess I'll take a closer look at Edwards but last time I looked he was still too soft on my big issues. Those issues being finishing the job in Afghanistan and Iraq, pissing off the French, and killing terrorists. Kerry's out as he's pretty vocally against my big three.

POINTS: Guess which of the answers is a baldfaced lie and win some points. Each person may guess once and there will be one point awarded for each person who participates. Points go to the people who guessed correctly. So if 10 people guess and 2 got it right, those 2 people would each get 5 points. Cool, eh?

Some time this weekend we'll wrap up the contest and give away the points.

Please note: If I'm commenting on the one that's a lie I'm still going to be lying to support the lie so you won't know that it was the entry that was a lie. Oh what a terrible web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Don't forget that you can stick your email address in that box in the sidebar under the Snooze Point Leaders and you'll get notified whenever points are available.


#2 - True: As unbelievable as it seems, my last relationship really did end because the ho was sleeping around on me. Sorry, MojoMark, better luck next time.

#3 - True: Frightening, I know, but I really do love my job. No dice this time, Jeremy.

#4 - True: Those living arangements were suitable for a sit-com. Or maybe a nut house. Either way, they really happened. Not this time, Rob.

#9 - True: Sorry tommy. There's no way I'd put Kerry into office. I can forgive a whole lot, even rampant liberalism, but I can't forgive a politician for being unappologetically two faced.

#6 - True?: This was dicey. I never thought of the censorship debate as a blogwar but I can see how it could be interpreted as such. It went across something like 4 or 5 blogs and there was even a bit of profanity by my very favoritest Journalspace blogger. Is there a definition of "comment wars" out there? Anyway, I'm going to give Ilyka credit for this one since it's entirely possible that I was lying on this one despite my best intentions.

#1 - Lie: This was the intentional fib. Last year whilst coming home from work we saw the aftermath of an accident. Everybody was driving around it. We pulled into a nearby parking lot and went to help. The lady in the first car (a mini-van) was in shock. Uninjured, but shocked. I got her vehicle to the side of the road. Lovely Wife called the authorities for her. I helped the pickup that hit her in the backside to get off of the road. The car that had caused the accident had fled the scene. We had smokes by our van and we got the shocked lady unshocked while we waited for the cops. Nobody was physically injured but both vehicles were seriously fubar. Tiffani and Mike the Marine both got this one right.

Seven participants, three correct answers. This would require math to figure out and it's too early for that so I'm giving 3 points each to Ilyka, Tiffani and Mike. Congrats!

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Number 3 im sure its not natural to be that excited about work

Posted by: Jeremy at February 20, 2004 08:08 AM

Who could restrain their excitement when there's a ping-pong table and a dart board? I'm talking ping-freakin-pong here!

Posted by: Jim at February 20, 2004 08:36 AM

I have to go with #9. I think Edwards' 'free year of college' idea chaffes you as much as it does me, and that you woul not seriously consider voting for hm, if for thothing else thn that reason.

Posted by: tommy at February 20, 2004 09:08 AM

My vote is number 1 again. I'm sure you've done a good deed. Your a sweetheart, how can you not do a good deed. (does major sucking up count?)

Posted by: Tiffani at February 20, 2004 10:06 AM

Education isn't on my radar for this election and Bush's rampant spending has taken away the disadvantage I'd normally apply to the Dem candidate for general fiscal matters. Plus Edward's a good ol' boy so my normal dislike of Noreast politicians wouldn't apply to him.

I can just about guarantee that I've done some good deed sometime in my life. I mean, I was a boyscout and it's mandatory, right? I just have no memory of any good deed done for a stranger (excepting the courtesy/good manners stuff already noted).

Posted by: Jim at February 20, 2004 10:16 AM

I'm going for number 4 even though I did know you lived in arizona for a while ... what ... it could be a trick question!

Posted by: Rob at February 20, 2004 10:24 AM

#6 is "out" if we count that whole PeakTalk-censored-my-post debacle, but "in" if we recall that it was mostly me bitching out Trey while you maintained your usual civility. None of the rest, however, seem like lies to me. Tricky tricky, as usual, but I'll stick with 6 for lack of any better candidate.

Oh, and since you mention Edwards, did you see Allahpundit's campaign poster photoshops on him? My favorite was "Edwards '04: Yeah, I Guess."

Posted by: ilyka at February 20, 2004 11:40 AM

Methinks the Snooze doth protest too loudly...

I'm going with Number 1 as well, so slide over Tiffani!

Posted by: Mike the Marine at February 20, 2004 12:04 PM

I was thinking of that debate with Trey, actually. I don't think it could be considered a commentwar. Yes, it did pop up on a couple different blogs but it was over after a couple hours with a general concensus. And, as you pointed out, I maintained my decorum throughout.

Mike - I shall attempteth to protesteth lesseth in the futureth.

Posted by: Jim at February 20, 2004 12:33 PM

hey man, say it don't sthpray it.

Posted by: Rob at February 20, 2004 12:38 PM

I'll say #2's a lie. How could someone hurt you like that? A man with such integrity, virility, humility & comedy. Besides, you're the best teet sucker I've ever seen.

Posted by: MojoMark at February 20, 2004 01:28 PM

My teat sucking was perfected with that one, too. Go figure!

Posted by: Jim at February 20, 2004 08:29 PM

Play fair, Jim--I shouldn't get points on that one. It wasn't your "intentional" lie, number one, and number two, a proper comment/blog war is never settled amicably within 24 hours (and with that one it was less). I'll just try to guess more smarter on the next round. :)

Students of blogwars should see Olsen, Dawn; Slade, Madison; and of course, Esmay, Dean, but only if they have strong stomachs and absolutely nothing at all better to do for half a day.

Posted by: ilyka at February 23, 2004 09:45 AM

I was trying to play fair! :-P

Okay, with Ilyka surrendering her points that'll be 7 for 2 people. Mike and Tiffani both get 4 points. (Always round up to a whole number - you'll thank me.)

Posted by: Jim at February 23, 2004 09:57 AM

ha HAAAA!!!

Back on top!

Of the points, not Tifanni. Get your mind out of the gutter... or was that just me?

Oh... nevermind.

Posted by: Mike the Marine at February 23, 2004 02:18 PM
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