Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
January 23, 2004
Speaking of cheese...
(Category: About Jim )'s time for the Cheddar X!

1. Do you read more male or female bloggers? Why do you suppose that is?
Just about equal, with a slight edge to the male side. Wait a I count homosexuals as writing for the other team? What about bisexuals? This is too confusing. Next question, please.

2. Does politicizing a blog send you packing if the blogger's beliefs are opposed to your own? Or, do you only read opinions that you agree with?
Do you realize that both options above mean the same thing, Johnny? ;-)

If two people always agree on everything then one of them is redundant. The sites on my blogroll are all writen by people I've come to respect, sometimes because they have different opinions, sometimes despite their different opinions. Phillip Coons is a good example. He and I are quite far apart politically but we're very close on other matters (military, family). I started reading him despite his political views. Now I read those and think about what he's saying there too.

3. Do you read other Cheddar X answers before writing your own?
Nope. Unless I hit some accidentally while blog browsing.

4. What was the last utterly ridiculous thing someone said to you?
"We need to start taking France seriously."

5. What world record would you most like to hold?
Consecutive days without illness.

6. What types of blog posts make you want to comment more often than not?
Most of my comments are made when i can stick in a joke apropos to the topic at hand.

7. Does your significant other have a beloved article of clothing that you hate? Have you contemplated "accidentally" destroying it?
No, she looks good in everything. And nothing. I, on the other hand had several articles of clothing that she despised. Some to the point of ripping them bodily off of me if I dared wear them. And no, they weren't all veteran underwear. There were a couple pairs of shorts in the victim queue also.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Well sure, #2 is the same but from two different angles. Just want to cover my bases, ya know?

And hey, as long as she's tearing clothes off you, its ALL good!

And I love your ridiculous thing saying!

Posted by: Johnny Huh? at January 23, 2004 03:16 PM

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