Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
January 02, 2004
Champagne and Cheese
(Category: About Jim )

A little New Year's Cheddar for your enjoyment:

1. How do you organize your music?
I don't. Once long ago there was a purposeful random disorganization along with a detailed index. The index got out of date so it was abandoned. I've tried once or twice to put the CD's in alphabetical order but that only lasts for a relatively short time. On my PC at work I do have one slight bit of organization. One folder has classical music, the other has everything else.

2. Do you have more online or more hard copy music?
Hard copy. I have some MP3s ripped to my PC at work for listening there but I have none at home.

3. What are your three most favorite bands you found or heard of online?
None. I've never found a one of 'em online.

4. What are your New Year's resolutions, if any?
I posted those in the Resolutional a couple days ago.

5. How did you do on your last year's resolutions?
I don't know. I can't remember if I made any last year. If you've read the post linked in #4 above you've probably caught that I'm not huge on resolutions.

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