I eat a lot of frozen pizza. I’m a lazy man and if the wife’s not home I’m not about to dirty a dish or pots and pans that I’ll have to clean. I slap a piece of aluminum foil on a cookie sheet and bake. However. Sometimes, even if I put a lot of oil on the foil, the pizza sticks and I can’t get it off. Especially French bread pizza—which for some reason will not come off that foil without me struggling and eventually flipping it upside down.
So my wife bought some new foil: Reynolds Easy Release or Non- Stick or some shit. It has a non stick coating already on there. The results were impressive. I don’t care what you put on that foil, you could bake that shit at five hundred degrees until it’s charcoal and it comes right off.
That’s the problem. Last night I took my pizza out and when I turned around with the tray the pizza flew right fucking off and on to the floor. Upside down, because that’s the only way the damn things fall. And I was hungry. My rage lasted for several hours.
Hint: Wear closed-toe shoes
Rating: Five Stars
Comments: NOTHING will stick to this shit.