This guy is absolutely ridiculous. Read the whole thing, it'll only take a sec. Here's a quick quote:
"Since the use of marksmen to kill pigeons appears to have been carried out as a first, rather than a last resort, and not out of a concern for public health, but rather because the animals were deemed inconvenient by players, you appear to be in clear violation of the law,” PETA vice-president Bruce Friedrich said.
Let's ignore, for the moment, the fact that shooting the pigeons wasn't the first resort; and that it was, to a degree, out of a concern for public health. Why? Well, because this guy is too easy of a target for me to make fun of, and I just can't delay gratification any further. So let's just have at it:
You sir, are a pussy. And a pussy's pussy at that. You may very well be the only soul on the face of this earth who gives a flying feathered fuck about a couple of shot up pigeons. If they were endangered animals, or maybe homeless children; I could see your point. But we're talking about some ruddy pigeons here, not snow owls.
I mean, I understand you've got a hobby; Pussies for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. That's great, and in conjunction with your meds, it may be the only thing keeping you out of a mental hospital. But you know what? No one else gives a shit. I have hobbies. I like cars and bikes. But you don't see me running my stupid face at people who treat cars and bikes in a manner that I consider unethical; and this is because I realize that no one else gives a shit.
Please, leave us in peace to play tennis and shoot the garbage-eating pigeons who shit on the tables we eat off of.
It's this kind of shit that really makes me worry about our future. Maybe John Galt was right. I mean, if we're willing to eat pigeon shit in our lunch just to avoid killing the pigeons who would shit on our food, we deserve to die from whatever we catch eating pigeon shit. I bet those PETA fucks are all a bunch of bed-wetting nannystaters who think we should get out of Iraq too. Just let the pigeons shit all over us.