During last night's episode of Last Comic Standing, John Reep touched on something that resounds with a lot of people - take the stupid Bluetooth earbud off your head if you're not actually on the phone. His comment was "You look like a tool." I think it's a behavior that deserves, due to its prevalence, a bit more attnetion.
I've never understood it myself, why people do this. It makes about as much sense as taking your steering wheel with you after you park your car. I wondered if maybe it was a status thing, like, "Check me out, I've got a Bluetooth thingie." That theory doesn't hold up though, when you consider the cost of an earbud. What're they, like 50 bucks?
You know what I think it is? I think most people are just plain old morons, and for some reason it makes them feel neato to wear the earbud. Maybe it makes them feel futuristic, like a character in a sci-fi novel; which is about as sad as people who dress up for the Renaissance Fair. Or maybe it makes them feel important, like "People are constantly ringin' my bling, yo. I gots to keep my Bluetoof on G"; which is sadder still, because they're not actually talking on it.
The fact of the matter is, the only time you need to use the stupid thing is if you're on the phone while already doing something with both hands, like making dinner, driving, or beating someone about the head and neck with a Big Bertha Titanium 454. Unfortunately, people use the earbud for no apparent reason all the damn time. They're not even all that convenient when you do have to use them (the volume is lower, they drain your battery, etc), so why the hell would you sit there and use it if your stupid phone is right there in your pocket?
The main takeaway here is that wearing an idle Bluetooth has become a universal signifier; it's the modern equivalent of a dunce cap.
Amen to that, brother.
Maybe if more people carried around Big Bertha drivers and beat the Ear Bud people about the head, we'd have less of them.
I went to a dinner party for a friend's birthday and some guy kept his bluetooth thingy in the whole time.
THE WHOLE TIME. He looked like a freakin tool.
After the dinner, we all went to a local pub for drinks and he still wore the damn thing.
I totally hated him...until he started buying me shots.
Shit, buy me shots and you can wear that thing in bed for all I care.
I was in The Olive Garden today to drop off The Wife for her sister's bridesmaid luncheon and saw a dude sitting at the bar wating lunch - with the earbud on. I slammed a pint and threw the empty glass at his head. Boo-yah!