If you ask me, humanity already has this kind of seperation. Although it's not quite the fantastically visible difference that Curry seems to imagine.
Seriously, if you think about it there already is a series of societal barriers between the educated, modern, computer savvy population; and those people who have little or no education. We don't look biologically different, but we do respond differently to any number of social, political, and environmental stimuli. We have different diets, different hobbies, different health problems, and different jobs.
I guess I just find it amusing that this guy has issued a revelation from his ivory tower, with all the obligatory fanfare, predicting something that has already come to pass. Motherfucker, you don't have to look into the future to see that there's a giant rift between the educated and the uneducated already. Get with the program.
Moving on...
Tonight we've got some really good friends coming into town for the annual festivities. It's going to be a helluva good time. In fact, I just might have to take Friday off in order to fully prepare for such a devastatingly good weekend. We're taking both cameras along too, so there might be some interesting follow-up.