September 18, 2006
Are Musicians Stupid?
Current Events/Pop Culture
Last year the Dixie Chicks sent their radio play and CD sales into the shitter because they couldn’t just shut up and play music. Pearl Jam did the same thing, whining about politics at concerts. And now Roger Waters of Pink Floyd has decided to paint the ass of his giant pink pig with anti Bush/Blair stuff at concerts and even takes it a step further but I can’t bear to sort through it.
Yeah, we all need political advice from someone that has ingested more hallucinogens than Carlos Castaneda. On another note, why are there no fast Pink Floyd songs?
Posted by Paul! | Permalink
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The fact that they are musicians is completely irrelevant. They are individual people with individual looks on life. Just because they have gotten the attention of many other people through their music doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to listen to their political views. A political view of an artist shouldn’t decide if you like his/her music or not, so to all the people that destroyed Dixie Chicks Albums and stopped playing their music solely because they spoke against the president your ridiculous. You all acted like the Dixie Chicks are terrorists because they don’t support the President and therefore you didn’t want to support them.
Chill there Dougie. The Dixie chicks are simply stupid, there is no other explanation. Perhaps you're not American and don't understand country music and country music fans, but they are the epitome of Middle America. Country music fans tend to be more patriotic, more religious, and a degree more 'respectful' than your typical Pop music fan. They are also probably also more promiscuous, better drinkers, fighters and general ‘good ole boys’ based on their lyrics alone. The Chicks were preaching contrary to their core constituency and now they’re paying the price in lost records sales and canceled concerts. I foresee a future in fast food for those three.
Pearl Jam and Roger Waters may get away with it in larger markets, but it will eventually hurt them too. Despite a CD collection of ~700-800, I don’t own anything from Green Day. And I doubt I’ll be buying any more Floyd or Pearl Jam albums. (I do have the Dixie Chicks ‘Fly Away’ and really enjoyed it.) (btw – Pearl Jam’s ‘Ten’ was their best, then it all sounds the same – and not in a good way like AC/DC all sounds the same). Anyway – I’m not alone in these sentiments.
Oh- and to answer Pauls question - Yes!
The Dixie Chicks are terrorists, man. Sonic terrorists.
Anyone who performs country music is a sonic terrorist in my books.
Especially anything out of Nashville.... its the Al Quaeda of country.