I was working on this longwinded post regarding geopolitical strategy that cited recent global developments and intelligence reports from StratFor.com; but halfway through it I figured "Fuck that. It's Friday."
So in the spirit of Friday, I give you "Fuck Fascism Friday". A new weekly installment that will, like all of our past weekly installments, probably only survive one iteration due to a dual lacking of authorial creativity and commenter interest.
Why Fuck Fascism? Firstly, and most importantly, because it wants to fuck you in your happy-go-lucky, freedom loving, non-muslim, pro-civil rights cinnamon hole. Hard. And secondly, because the fascists don't drink alcohol. I'm not saying we should all be mainlining MD 20/20; I'm just saying if you ever so much as think about taking away that glass of scotch sitting front of me, I'll rip your hand off and wear it around my neck as a warning to all else who might consider attempting the same. I'm telling you man, a little bit of scotch goes a long way, and my scotch keeps people alive because it relaxes me into not throttling them when they do stupid shit.
Take this chick; quite the fine specimen, yes? She's being investigated by the Pakistani authorities for wearing a bikini. For shame! And for those of you not stirred to Fuck Fascism by scantily clad women, I give you this photo posted at The Jawa Report. I'm sorry, but in a country where religious insults have been raised to an artform; beheading people just isn't going to fly. And just in case you're wondering, it doesn't take much to insult Islam. Like, this post is probably considered an insult to Islam. And if by some graceful fate it isn't?
(Hezbollah humps mountain goats)
It is now. So Fuck Fascism!