January 10, 2006
Turns out that Rembrandt's not that nervous after all
Weblog Stuff
(Updated below the fold)
11 people guessed the artist.
(Click here to see it in all its majesty.)
Only Pixy Misa got it right. That's right folks, this spectacular landscape was drawn by yours truly. The exceptionally sad part is that I wasn't attempting to draw like a kid. That's about the best artwork you should ever safely expect from me. My Mom is an artist and Bacon is showing definite signs of the same but this trait has definitely skipped a generation.
Pixy wins the whole ball of wax and takes a commanding lead in the early Points season.
Y'all did have some frame of reference, y'know. I submit...
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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What the....????
Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
Well, I want to put it on the refrigerator! :)
Hey now, I did say it looked like an older child's handiwork! I should get SOME credit!
You're right Dave. I'll award you twice the points of everybody else who got it wrong.
Mwah hah hah hah!!
LOL, I wouldn't even guess...
But now that I look at i, it is such a HAPPY picture :)
Okay, I wouldn't be able to draw to that level.
The doggie is cute. And in case it isn't a doggie the bluish creature with the bird on its back.
Why is the dog being chased by a wolf and I didn't know snails came that big.
The blue thing is a dog. The brown thing half behind the bushes is a wily fox. Can't you see how the wily just drips off of him?
That's pretty shitty, Jim.
Shitty "ha ha" or shitty "peculiar"?
Plus it's a comment on your artistic skills.
Can you people please post something? Jesh. I'm going through withdrawl. Come on already!