The Scene: Lovely Wife is typing away at her computer. Bacon comes up to her with a marker and a blank piece of paper.
Bacon: Momma, how do you spell "Everybody stay out of my room especially Burger"?
Lovely Wife: [stifles laugh]'s "E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y S-T-A-Y O-U-T O-F M-Y R-O-O-M E-S-P-E-C-I-A-L-L-Y B-U-R-G-E-R".
Bacon: [wearing a crestfallen expression] Oh. That's a lot.
Lovely Wife: Yes, it is.
Bacon turns and walks out of the room, dispirited at the effort required to make his sign. Late the same evening Lovely Wife noticed a sign, carefully lettered and taped to Bacon's door. The resourceful lad had rethunk his requirements and reduced scope on his sign project. The completed work read:
Brevity is the soul of wit.
That's my Bacon!!
Not sure if it's worth any stealth points but: Sign 'o' the Times is a Prince concert film.
That's how you get stealth points, Phin ol' bean. Play your hunches--you've nothing to lose but your dignity.
I could have sworn that was Shakespeare but an intense (if unconscionably brief) search says I'm wrong. 1 stealth point awarded.
Hey~ Jimmy ol' pal...Are the points still being awarded on the side bar for last year? Cuz Phins making me nervous. Really Really nervous. So Is Victor, but I'm sure if I asked him nicely he'd give some of his just to win. Because he loves me soo. (although I wouldn't do that to ya. Ok maybe I would)
The season is now drawing to a close. Paul's sham/share will be the last announced point post for the 2005 season.