Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
September 26, 2005
(Category: The Cage )

Okay, we all know celebrities are pontificating, self-absorbed idiots. But do we really know it? As in, have we yet come to terms within ourselves that the idea that many of these people the public seems to hold on high, are really just as worthless as the rest of the human race? I say no, we haven't because of the fact that Diane Sawyer was asking Barbara Streisand her opinion on global warming and it's effects on diastrous weather.

Now, Diane Sawyer is pretty prime time as far as interviews go. I mean, it would be the assumption that if you're being interviewed by her, she's probably going to be asking you the questions that burn in the minds of millions. Instead, they're talking about the science of weather, we're getting her meterological forecast, big weather expert that she is. Who gives a shit?

Are people really going to cite her professional opinion on the matter? I can see it now:
"...And now to George with the weather. George?"
"According to NOAA, the fifty year cycle for hurricanes is entering a more powerful phase, Bob."
"Well, smack my nuts with a spiked bat George. What ever shall we do?"
"My first thought is not to worry too much buddy, because it will eventually phase back to normal-"
"Oh, praise Jesus, George. I really thought we were fucked."
"-But then I heard world-renowing hurricane expert Barbara Streisand say that this hurricane season is actually the beginning of the Apocalypse Bob, so you can just get back to kissing your ass goodbye."

Not only does her opinion on the subject means absolutely nothing from an authoritative standpoint; but it's not even based in generally accepted fact. But there it is on ABC. She's not the only one though. It seems that every celebrity has made a point out of championing some cause or forwarding some opinion or another. For some reason we just care what celebrities have to say these days, even if it's in reference to something which they know absolutely nothing about.

Posted by shank | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

What a douche. It's not enough that these people are sucking up valuable oxygen in the atmosphere, they feel it's their duty to alert us to the crazy pill epidemic [Tom Cruise is so much saner without them, sure] and the weather/war/poopy crises of the world. A better story is how stupid Americans are to let vapid braindead zombie-like garbage-spouting celebrities speak in public.

Not that I care. OMGdidyouhearaboutscientology?!?!? SO COOL, right?

Posted by: sista at September 26, 2005 05:39 PM

I just realized that this entry is an absolute travesty. I don't know why I didn't catch all those grammar errors last night. Well, I do; but no one likes to admit they have a drinking problem. I'll fix it tonight, and maybe then people will be able to figure out what the hell I'm saying.

Posted by: shank at September 27, 2005 12:59 PM
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