Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
August 31, 2005
Death brings validity?

This has been bugging me. Not Ilyka's post itself, but rather the topic dissected therein. You see, there are three things I really can't stand: idiots, poseurs, and idiot poseurs. They rankle me. It seriously bothers me that people without a basic rational understanding of logic can pretend to offer arguments.

This fellow Robert Crook, a blogger for Salon, makes the following arguments:

Cindy Sheehan is against the Iraq war.

Her opinion is valid because her son died there.

Tammy Pruett supports the Iraq war.

Her opinion is invalid because her son did not die there.

Lets boil that down:

The prerequisite to having a valid opinion on the war in Iraq is the traumatic loss of a son in Iraq.

Given that Mr.Crook has not lost a son in Iraq, his argument invalidates his own opinion of the war in Iraq.

That, my friends, is the mental misfiring of an idiot poseur.

UPDATE: Charmaine's post, where Crook supporters are busy saying "HE DID NOT!"


Tammy [Pruett] can get back to us with what she thinks of Gee Dubya's Gulf War II if one of her immediate family members is killed.
Posted by Jim | Permalink | TrackBack (0)

What're you doing posting on your blog when I'm posting on your blog?!?!?!?

Posted by: Victor at August 31, 2005 08:56 AM

Down, Victor.

Did you see the comments at Charmaine's? That's where Robert argues that he was not either granting more moral standing to Sheehan; he was only saying that Pruett can't be her logical opposite! Really! That's all he was tryin' to say! Why we all pickin' on Robert? He was only saying they're not opposites!

Oh, and that Bush lied, people died, because Halliburton. I think I caught something about that too.

Posted by: ilyka at August 31, 2005 12:13 PM

Where's Charmaine's?

Posted by: Victor at August 31, 2005 12:17 PM

So the whole "She can give her opinion when she loses a son" thing was just topical humor? What a piece of work.

Charmaine is over here.

Posted by: Jim at August 31, 2005 12:21 PM

First of all, you wingnuts need to know that I'm not affiliated with in any real sense. Anyone, even one of you wingnuts, can have a Salon blog if you plop down your yearly fee. Salon is not responsible for/does not endorse what Salon bloggers post.


"Cindy Sheehan is against the Iraq war. Her opinion is valid because her son died there. Tammy Pruett supports the Iraq war. Her opinion is invalid because her son did not die there."

I never wrote that nor was that my argument. My argument was that you can't compare a mother who hasn't lost a child in Vietraq to a mother who has. Therefore, the Bush regime's trying to use Tammy Pruett as the anti-Cindy was bullshit because there is no comparison. That was my point, nimrods.

Funny how you wingnuts like to put words in the opposition's mouth and then attack the words that you pulled wholly from your ass.

For the record, I support Tammy Pruett's First Amendment right to say whatever misguided crap she wants to say. She lives in Idaho, so I consider the source.

Thirdly, have you seen the latest polls, my fellow Americans? More than half of Americans (53 percent) support Cindy Sheehan and think that Gulf War II wasn't worth it. And Gee Dubya's approval rating is no higher than 45 percent in any recent national poll. (Of course you know this -- you like to troll my blog.)

Fourthly Bush lied, people died and Halliburton profited -- yes, that's all true. Bush, Cheney, et. al. are traitors and war criminals and should be executed as such. It appears to be your "argument" that something is untrue if you've heard it before. Morons.

Your responses to my blog demonstrate your panic. I'd be panicking if I were you, too.

Posted by: Robert at August 31, 2005 09:33 PM

First of all, you wingnuts need to know that I'm not affiliated with in any real sense. Anyone, even one of you wingnuts, can have a Salon blog if you plop down your yearly fee. Salon is not responsible for/does not endorse what Salon bloggers post.


"Cindy Sheehan is against the Iraq war. Her opinion is valid because her son died there. Tammy Pruett supports the Iraq war. Her opinion is invalid because her son did not die there."

I never wrote that nor was that my argument. My argument was that you can't compare a mother who hasn't lost a child in Vietraq to a mother who has. Therefore, the Bush regime's trying to use Tammy Pruett as the anti-Cindy was bullshit because there is no comparison. That was my point, nimrods.

Funny how you wingnuts like to put words in the opposition's mouth and then attack the words that you pulled wholly from your ass.

For the record, I support Tammy Pruett's First Amendment right to say whatever misguided crap she wants to say. She lives in Idaho, so I consider the source.

Thirdly, have you seen the latest polls, my fellow Americans? More than half of Americans (53 percent) support Cindy Sheehan and think that Gulf War II wasn't worth it. And Gee Dubya's approval rating is no higher than 45 percent in any recent national poll. (Of course you know this -- you like to troll my blog.)

Fourthly, Bush lied, people died and Halliburton profited -- yes, that's all true. Bush, Cheney, et. al. are traitors and war criminals and should be executed as such. It appears to be your "argument" that something is untrue if you've heard it before. Morons.

Your responses to my blog demonstrate your panic. I'd be panicking if I were you, too.

Posted by: Robert at August 31, 2005 09:33 PM

Thank you for so aptly proving my point, twice.

Sifting through your chaff I have found at least a couple of kernels to address.

Wingnut? Well, no.

You never said Pruett's opinion is invalid because she hasn't lost a son? Well, no:

Tammy [Pruett] can get back to us with what she thinks of Gee Dubya's Gulf War II if one of her immediate family members is killed.

I'm also pretty big on the First Amendment. That's why I support Cindy Sheehan's right to do what she's been doing. That isn't the same thing as either understanding her logic or supporting what she's doing.

Polls also favored Kerry to win the Presidency by a similar margin. Exit polls were slanted even more towards him. With a bit more experience you'll learn not to rely on marginal polls to support arguments.

Bush lied, people died? Prove it.

Posted by: Jim at August 31, 2005 10:19 PM

Pardon me just a minute but--


Criminy, Robert. Do you just sit around Googling instances of "Robert" all day long or WHAT? Because I'm thinking you must wind up looking at pictures of this fellow a lot.

No wonder you're upset. Here, have a cookie.

Posted by: ilyka at August 31, 2005 10:20 PM
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