June 22, 2005
Project sex
True Stories
I had two little projects. They had a lot in common and seemed like they would get along with each other really well. So, I played matchmaker and put them in a meeting room together for a couple of hours.
It's a week later now and I just assisted in the birth of a mega project.
Damn things breed faster than bunnies.
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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Obviously, the majority of your readership aren't project managers. Your admirable attempt sounds like scope growth to me......arghh! AVOID AVOID
Note to self: Never do this again.
Nope, this was a realignment during discovery. Two separate projects that could be solved with separate but related custom programs or...implementation of a module of the SuperMegaERP system. Since we already own the SMERP system there is much happiness that we now have justification for implementing this module.
Hmm, every time I lock projects up in the meeting room they eventually die of either dehydration or kill each other off. I couldn’t imagine them giving birth to a super mega project.
Oh wait, never mind, its sales reps I keep killing off.
Maybe I’d best go slip some nabs and a diet coke under the door.
Damn. And here I am hoping you hosted some awesome p0rn or something. Work sucks.