Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
April 20, 2005
Happy SnoozeBob Day!
(Category: Weblog Stuff )

Update: Thanks for playing! SnoozeBob is back in his cage.

I'm off to Denver today so I've brought Snoozebob out to play!

Snoozebob comes around when I am especially lazy am so burdened by other committments that I can't attend to my normal bloggish duties and he throws the doors open for y'all to abuse the Snooze guest post. It's easy as pie. Just go here and log in with username and password "snoozebob".

The door will be open until tomorrow morning. You can post just about whatever you want as long as it isn't spammy or overtly francophilish. There are a couple of things to remember though:

  1. Don't do something so stupid that I or one of my proctors will have to ban your ass.

  2. Put your name in there so we know who wrote what. In the title is the best place, as a header or in closing work too.

  3. If you have a blog don't forget to whore it out here include a link.

  4. For the category, please choose "SnoozeBob".


(This post will stay at the top as long as open posting is enabled.)

POINTS: When I close guest posting I'll hand out some points based on which posts I thought were the funniest/most meaningful/bestest. It might be in categories or an overall list - not sure at the moment.

Posted by Jim | Permalink
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