April 07, 2005
A slogan! A slogan! My kingdom for a slogan!
Politics - Humor's Last Refuge
Well, maybe not my kingdom but I am awarding points to the best slogans from the Slogan Challenge. Here are the long awaited results:
Serious slogans
Third place (1 pt): "More Talk, Less Action" - Dafyd
Second place (2 pts): "Working to create your children's nation." - Kenny
First place (3 pts): "We the people." - Garret
Irreverent slogans
Third place (1 pt): "Slogans are way tough to come up with." - Ilyka
Second place (2 pts): "85 percent less wacky than the Libertarians." - Kenny
First place (3 pts): "The party for real people. Whiney socialists and religious zealots need not apply." - Clancy
Coming soon:
Another contest to come up with a new name for the party, since this one reminds Ilyka of Barbara Boxer.
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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Whoooo Hoooo!!
Are there stealth points here for the reference to Richard III? No, I guess there aren't really. I'll shut up.