Anybody out there care to design a site? My friend Amy from work is about to start a weblog. She knows basic html but little CSS and no MT and could definitely use some help from the magnificent talent that runs around here.
Rob is my go-to guy because of his mad design skillz but I've got him tied up pretty well already with a redesign for Zero Intelligence.*
She's looking for a simple, attractive design. Here's the skinny on the site focus (from the post linked above):
Her site will serve as a resource collection for abused kids and parents who need help. The blog posts will be news items and editorial/Op-ed pieces related to the same topic. Overall, very similar to Zero Intelligence so take a look over there to see what she's aiming for.
So who's volunteering?
* Then again, Amy wouldn't mind waiting a little bit if necessary. So Rob, if you want to queue her up feel free to jump on this fantastic offer too! No, wait. It's not a fantastic offer. It's more work. Let me rephrase that:
So Rob, if you want to prove beyond a doubt how masochistic you are, feel free to jump right on this and queue her up!
Yeah, that's a bit more realistic. ;-)
Howzabout that dude who helped design SBD? It's a clean, classy design, and if Amy wants clean and classy (AKA simple and attractive) she could do worse than steal your template.
That dude was Rob. Told you he's my go-to guy!
I'm about to hit a quiet phase ... and I have a new mac and all ... lemme see what I can do...
What about my site?I am so sick of that old butterfly theme....I am getting a RASH!
Myself (Franz) and Ogre (Hanz), from Ogre's Politics and Views are in the midst of starting our design company. If you can wait a few days until we're up and running we would be more than happy to work out exactly what Amy would like in a site.
Our future site is Pumping Pixels and only has our basic design framework in place, but will be much prettier as time goes by. We're working more on the functionality at the moment. The beauty will come soon.
Currently, we're both new to movable type, but are quite savvy with HTML and CSS. Ogre is a pro with PHP as well.