February 08, 2005
Shamming/Sharing #14 Results
Shamming or Sharing
The great winter car stunt drive and ensuing recovery from idiocy story was true.
Seven players got it wrong, four got it right. It's disheartening that so many of you continue to think I led a moral, upright and respectable young adulthood. The biggest trip-up for the ones who got it wrong was the cop. Several couldn't believe I didn't get a ticket. Hell, I couldn't believe I didn't get a ticket. But I didn't get a ticket.
One point each for Paul, Machelle, vw bug, and diamond dave!
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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Not getting a ticket, I can believe, but I still don't believe your station wagon was red.
There are more cars on heaven and earth, Clancy, than exist in your philosophy.