February 04, 2005
Finding your inner drag queen
Other People's Stuff
Found this at Natalie Dee's:
you know that thing where you figure out your drag name by combining your first pet's name with the name of the street you grew up on? when i do mine, i end up with WHITEY ROACHWAY, which is not that awesome. my husband would be McFLY CLAYTON. this, also, does not really have connotations of being seductive while hiding your penis. my little sister would be ROMEO REED, which is actually kinda awesome, but not drag queen-y. no matter how you play the game, you will never end up with a real drag queen-sounding name like LADY MISS MARILYN VON SNEAKYDICK.
I'm one of the few who never heard of this method of devising your drag name but I'm game.
Let's see...
My first real pet that I actually remember was a German Shepherd named Tasha. The first address I can remember is Hampton Drive. 33 Hampton Drive, Freehold, NJ 07228. Not sure about the zip, it just sort of popped out, but the rest is definitely the address where I lived as a young teen.
So my drag name is Tasha Hampton.
Feh, not much of a drag name. If we used my current stats I'd be Dakota Castle. Now that's a bit better.
So what's your drag name?
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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Breakfast With Tiffani linked in Ming Sing Dingaling on February 11, 2005 11:22 AM
Rusty John Wells
Not much of a drag name either. It actually sounds kind of broke down.
Abby Cantebury.?.?.
Abby River (my current name) sounds better.
Mine would be:
Ming Caliandra
Current would be:
Motley Sherwood
Lessee... I would be Ricky Cleveland, going by the way they say you're supposed to do it. It sounds more like a movie actress name, though - And I would switch out the 'y' to an 'i' or 'ie'. Ricki(e) Cleveland.
Going by current stats, I would be Aiobhan Randolph, which sounds like someone you'd run into in a pub.
Or, we could try Caitlyn Ralph, which sounds like a model.
This is what happens when you name your animals with people names. I guess I don't get a drag name.
Call me Claudius Place, baby. Or, a later pet (named by my sister), would have me as Fluffy Place. I think I prefer the quiet dignity of Claudius Place, though.
Ok, my dog's name growing up was Octavious
You know, after the Roman leader.
I'm not even going to attempt it because it sounds more like a Politican then anything
Mine's great. Muffin Red. How cool is that? :D
Caesar Marquette. Not too bad...
Do I smell a contest for points?
No? oh...ok.
My dad named the dog before I was born. He thought it would be cool to name the dog Satan.
I have a feeling I can't win this contest.
Abiding these rules mine would be Princess Red. If I was current -- and using my parent's pet (I have none) -- it would be Cocoa Allen.
What did I win Jim?
This is some good stuff. Some of these are definitely point worthy. I'll let it run a bit and then pick my favorites. Maybe we'll have a poll to get some reader input for the best of the best.
Yeah, that sounds good. We'll do that.
Samantha Melrose.
Ugh, it sounds WAAAY too real...
I'd be Blizzard Front. That's just wrong.
Bleh. I would be Checkers Merton. How geeky is that? Not very draggish. Current would be Fiona Sanbourn. Just a wee bit better.
OK, I can do worse. When I lived in Southern California, my drag name would have been...
Dusty 229th.
My current name would be Ne-hi Grayfield. Sounds much better.
I always heard this combo gave you your PORN STAR name. Mine is Sean Apricot - which is pretty good!
I've heard your pets name plus your mother's maiden name gives ya your porn star name...anyway..
Drag Queen names:
ShyAnne Havenwood
Artemis Ganahl
My first name would be "Baby" which sounds like the name of a drag queen or maybe a porn star but the last name....? "Third" or maybe I could cheat and use Street, like Della Street on Perry Mason.
Yea, I'd have to cheat and go with Baby Street.
I am Maxi Hemlock.
Less porn star, more serial killer maybe.
Me, the six-year-old drag queen: Snowball Hacienda. Not bad.
Me, the ten-year-old drag queen: Patches La Palma. Hmm.
Me, the teen drag queen: Rusty Briarwood. Wait, that's my p0rn name.
And me, drag queen of today: Qiti Lexington. Ahh. That one fits like a Gucci glove.
But nothing compares with the real things: Ida Slapter, Eva Destruction, Lois Carmen Denominator, Tequila Mockingbird...