Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
January 25, 2005
Virtual school
(Category: News & Notes )

This is pretty neat: Private, home school students added to Perdue's virtual school bill.

Home schoolers and private school students would be allowed to take online public school courses under changes a Senate committee made Monday to a bill backed by Gov. Sonny Perdue.

The Senate Education committee approved a plan to create the Georgia Virtual School - giving students in small school systems computer access to advanced placement classes and other courses that may not be available to them locally.

Students not enrolled in public schools would be allowed to take up to 6 courses. I don't like the limit there but this is better than the original proposal that was limited to enrolled students only. Of course not everybody is happy with providing educational opportunities outside of the classroom.

The amendment was opposed by Democrats on the Republican-controlled committee and by representatives of teacher's groups, who said the change would effectively take money away from school systems.

"This is one more step in weakening public schools," said Sen. Vincent Fort, D-Atlanta, a committee member who voted against the amendment. "Public school students should not have to wait in line."

In the words of the great Arlo Guthrie, "Have a nice steaming cup of shut the fuck up". Teachers, teachers' unions and the people who depend on those unions for their kickbacks payola bribe money support will always be against anything that takes away their money. In this case they are working not only against homeschoolers but also against progress. The web is a fantastic tool and the more it is developed for scholastic opportunity the less we will need schools and teachers. You can't fault somebody for working in their own self interests but you surely can call them fucknuts when that puts them directly at odds with our kids.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Now That is an awesome program. I can speak for the efficacy of the Web based teaching, because all of my clases here are web based. I like them because a) you have to be able to READ, b) you have to take extreme personal responsibility to pass, not to mention succeed in the class, and if you wnt somethng that can buid good interpersonal relationship skils that can be used in the workplace, having to do all yor communication by e-mail is a great way to learn it. If they could hook it into a standard school room so the kids could actualy ask questons, life would be good there too, but that is infeasible for primary and secondary schools.

All in all, i say a step in the right direction.
Besides, now the kids can say "I'm doing my schoolwork, Mom" while surfing for porn. A win-win scenario.

Posted by: tommy at January 25, 2005 11:11 AM

Damn,you suck!How come I have to sit down,take the slowness of high speed internet to browse here to get GOOD NEWS for once???Cool stuff like THIS should have been served to me for breakfast.

Posted by: LW at January 25, 2005 12:45 PM

It all comes down to my insatiable hunger for traffic.

Posted by: Jim at January 25, 2005 12:49 PM
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