Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
January 19, 2005
How to change the world
(Category: News & Notes )

Defeating Nazi Germany

Do: Invade Germany.

Don't bother: Turning off Hitler's speech with a very forceful twist of the radio's knob.

Ending segregated busing

Do: Sit in the front of the bus.

Don't bother: Sending a 'strongly worded letter' to the CEO of the bus company.

Getting your own holiday

Do: Dedicate your life to a worthy goal, motivate and move your people toward it, live as an example of it, die in the pursuit of it.

Don't bother: Bitching at the TV set.

Send a man to the moon

Do: Put a guy in a big ass rocket and launch it.

Don't bother: Blasting loud music at the neighborhood Luddite.

Change the world for the better

Do: Put on your Birkenstocks and your best hemp shirt, get out of your house and actually fucking do something constructive that works toward the goals you profess to have.

Don't bother: Protesting against a welcome back party.

Bitching and whining will never change a thing. Jesse Jackson will never make the world a better place because he doesn't actually DO. Bill Gates made the world a better place because he does things in the real physical world to support and promote his ideals.

These protesters are the worst sort of hypocrite. They want only to scream their disillusionment in the hopes that somebody else will do something about their problems.

(Tip credit to DCeit)

Posted by Jim | Permalink

"There are two superpowers in the world. One is the U.S. and the other is world opinion."

1...2...3... DRAW!

[world opinion falls dead in dusty street]

What REALLY chaps my ass about this is how much free publicity these jags are getting in the unbiased media.

At least Protest Warrior will be there.

Posted by: Harvey at January 19, 2005 10:50 AM

Ever notice that Republicans don't bother to protest? Anything?

If a group of Republicans has a problem, rather than bitching in the street about it, they form a congressional lobby and get the ears of the people who can actually make change happen.

Another note: Protesting the inauguration is illogical. Protesting a policy like Social Security change makes logical sense in that you have a goal and a desired effect (change of policy). What is the goal of protesting the inaguration? No more inaugurations? Should Bush be Dictator for Life? Are you protesting Democracy (or a Republic)? No, my friends... you are only showing sour grapes and a desire for attention. What a bunch of losers.

Posted by: Garret at January 19, 2005 11:57 AM

Unrelated, but, Jim, do you know anything about a large digital fly featuring my head that's apparently buzzing around my blog?

I personally don't see it, at work or at home, but some people are seeing it.

Posted by: Ryan at January 19, 2005 12:49 PM

The first steps to a cleaner,safer USA should include the elimination of idiots and morons.
After that we should get rif of extremists and feminists.Safe the wales if you have time left...BUT PLEASE get rid of the WHINERS!

Posted by: LW at January 20, 2005 10:06 AM
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