Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 24, 2004
Don't shit where you eat
(Category: News & Notes )

And don't shit where you drink either. The Georgia Supreme Court denied Gwinnett County's permit to dump 40 million gallons of sewage into Lake Lanier.

Sewage has been dumped there since before there was a lake. This permit was axed because it would allow Gwinnett to dump sewage that was less clean than they already have the capability to process and would allow them to avoid the per instance fines for violating the sewage quality requirements.

Lake Lanier is the main drinking water source for Atlanta and the sole source for the 700,000 residents in Gwinnett County. That number includes the five local members of the Peacock clan. Poop water, ewwwww. Thank god for Britta filters.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Why would the county even begin to think that this was a good idea in the first place?

Posted by: RP at November 24, 2004 10:05 AM

It's got to go somewhere and the Chattahoochee watershed is the traditional dumping spot. If it's done correctly it really isn't an issue - Lake Lanier has a humongous biobuffer. If it's done wrong it can set off algae blooms and other nastiness because it puts too much protein into the cycle.

Posted by: Jim at November 24, 2004 10:13 AM

I 'member a time when I happened to catch a toddler in my care comin' out of the Gulf of Mexico at Galveston spittin' out a bit of the saltwater that had gotten into his mouth. "That tastes yucky!" he said.

I replied, "Yeah, whales whizz a lot while they are swimmin' 'round in that water. That's what makes it taste that way."

They gots lots of fish, turtles, and frogs crappin' the lakes, too, I bet.

Posted by: Tig at November 24, 2004 05:28 PM
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