Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 10, 2004
Because it's good to have money

Ilyka is exploring the age old question of what makes a person decide to be a Republican. For me it was pretty simple. When I was a young idealist (making no money) I was very much a Democrat, and proud of it. I thought that it was absolutely wonderful that the Democrats wanted to take care of all of my problems and fix all of the ills of the world. That was a concept I could really get behind!

But as I started to make more money I realized something. First, the Democrats didn't take care of my problems. Not a one. Zilch. Zero. Nada. I did it by myself. I realized something else. They didn't fix all of the ills of the world either. They really weren't fixing any of the world's ills.

But the government was taking my money. In larger and larger amounts. And the Democrats wanted to take even more to fund all of these wonderful problems that never helped me or mine and these other huge programs that never fixed the world's ills.

The more I made, the more they took. But no matter how much of my money they took they still weren't taking care of me and they still weren't fixing the world's ills.

I got pissed. I got Republican. They had loads of bogus promises too but the big one was that they didn't want to keep taking more and more of my money. They wanted a smaller government without so many useless programs that required less money out of my pocket to throw into the great bureaucratic black hole of incompetence. That rocked!

I've toned back quite a bit since then. By this time in my life I'm more of a lower case "l" libertarian than anything else. Perhaps a good description would be "moderate disestablishmentarianist". If the government was completely scaled back to the point where they didn't screw with my life at all unless I was in the process of screwing with somebody else, and vice versa, I'd be perfectly happy.

So long as they stopped taking my money of course.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

What does it say about me that I was VERY conservative in highschool. Slightly Conservative in college. And now a free-market radical as an adult?

I think fans of Chris Tucker have some ideas about that...

(Sorry for referencing my own blog...Well, not VERY sorry.)

Posted by: Flibbertigibbet at November 10, 2004 10:36 AM

It means that you are serving the side of EVIL!

And you're probably pretty far up in the heirarchy, seeing as you've had such an extended tenure.

Posted by: Jim at November 10, 2004 12:18 PM

Hmmm... Now I'm wondering how I can get to be more Evil.


Posted by: Flibbertigibbet at November 10, 2004 07:30 PM


My slide away from Democrats has had nothing to do with money; if anything I'd sit tight with the Democrats on that issue---I feel a moral obligation to help those who don't have as much money, and taxes benefit many, not just the poor. It is the exclusionary features of the Democrats that generate my anger---traditional morals are out.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at November 11, 2004 02:58 AM
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