Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 05, 2004
Death and Destruction Construction
(Category: News & Notes )

So, the world's oldest terrorist lies in a coma and the world is waiting for him to breath his last. Anybody else thinking of this as an early Christmas present?

Don't get the wrong idea here. I'm not the sort that goes about wishing that people die or wishing bad things on anybody. Doing things like that tends to warp you. But that doesn't mean I can't be just as relieved as the next guy when the right person buys the farm.

Does that make me inhumane? Cold? Twisted? No, I don't think so. Look, if you have cancer do you cry when the surgeon excises it? If you've got a tick on your arm do you feel sorry for the tick when you're putting the lit match up against its shell and it pops like the world's smallest firecracker? Of course not.

Arafat is a parasite, just like that tick. Nobody got through to him with a lit match over the past decades but we can be just as happy when the bloated blood sucker dies naturally.

Israel and the Palestinians have serious problems. One of the worst of them is going away. For that I am very, very happy.

Side note: Anybody else notice that once again the French military is trying to keep an Arab dictator in power? Humanitarian aid, my ass.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Jim I"ve been talking about this on my blog and the satisfaction, joy whatever I feel that he is soon/has (story still isn't quite straight) worm food.

A couple of people have called me on this feeling; I don't know. Is it wrong to feel happy over this?

I guess that is the darker half to me; I think most of those who have come to know me know I'm don't relish in the deaths of others; but this man has caused so much pain in the world.

Yeah, the French are such wonderful pals of the free world.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at November 5, 2004 07:17 AM

It's an overused analogy and it's trite, but I look at this way:

Who'd feel bad if Hitler was in a coma?

Not me, that's sure.

Posted by: ilyka at November 5, 2004 07:53 AM

Did you hear Dennis Miller on the subject? He said something along the following lines: "Yeah, the French know how to deal with terrorists, they HEAL them."

Posted by: RP at November 5, 2004 09:35 AM

Yeah, but come on, Jim, it's the French Military (leadership). Yes, i know, the principall of the thing and all that, but come on, aren't they a lot like your terrier towards Kota (i can't forget that one, i've tried)?

Posted by: tommy at November 5, 2004 11:07 AM

The truth is, the world can't help but be a better place in his absence. I feel favorably freshened by his imminent demise. Good riddance!

Posted by: Mick at November 5, 2004 12:29 PM

I like coma. Coma is good. You aren't a martyr (yet) if you're in a coma. You can't issue orders from a coma. Your successor isn't fully empowered if you're still alive, even if you're in a coma. There's confusion, when you're in a coma. You feel no pain, in a coma. So I don't have tp pray for the end of your suffering, or your coma.

Can we get the Smiths to rerecord their song?

"Arafat in a coma, I know, I know..."

Posted by: Elizabeth at November 5, 2004 01:45 PM
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