Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
September 20, 2004
Happy celebration of the anniversary of birth!
(Category: Other People's Stuff )

Pixy Misa, beloved founder of Munuviana, has grown a year older today. Okay, so technically he just grew a day older today, he grew a year older over the course of the past year. And if you think about it, so did all of the rest of us. It's just that Pixy has completed the task on the calendar anniversary of his birth so that makes it a special day for him and for all of the rest of us who have done the exact same thing but not on the calendar anniversary of our births - tough beans for us.

Happy Birthday, Pixy!

(In addition to it being his birthday it's also a big day in his computer life as he's about to break the world's record for most Windows re-installs in a single week.)

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Happy Birthday, Leader of the Munuvianans!

Posted by: DeAnna at September 20, 2004 12:05 PM
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